I would agree with you but putting weapons behind a premium battle pass does feel kind of scummy.
No problem! Look forward to seeing more.
Love the map version that you have added. Makes it much easier to actually visualize what changes have occurred. Appreciate it.
Id recommend joining the discord - it has dedicated LFG group channels that are overflowing with requests from people.
Thank you for your service o7
Are you getting this data real time or do you do it manually?
Best part is the 15 minute AFK kick 🙌
Oh dang I didn't even think of that when I heard about this yesterday... Big yikes.
I mean I get it - research takes time, but at least dress up a little with like "science points" or something rather than just a straight up time limit.
Yeah your "nuggets" do research which is how you progress basically. Research though is just straight up time gated with no way to increase the rate. Most research items take 5-13 minutes. At most you can cut that down by half by increasing game speed by 2x. I have played the whole game up until this point on this speed and it still feels like I need a 3x or even a 4x.
Glad it has released. Gave it a shot and realized why I put it down in the first place. It's a slog to play. 90% of the time I am just waiting around for research to complete.
The premium war bond has weapons the free one does not. These are the weapons: