That or Super Smash Brothers.
Reckless driving and going well, WELL above the speed limit.
The (very old) Jucyfruit jingle will always and forever be burned into my memory.
Yeah around me I see they are trying to reinvent themselves. Usually have other entertainment options (movie theaters, bowling, arcade) or restaurants (true "sit-down" restaurants, not the food courts) attached to them now. Where before they were solely filled with retail stores.
I agree, usually this isn't the case. IMO the other example of this is with Jurassic Park.
Mind elaborating on how?
The one by me is basically a convenience store that also sells gas and is open 24/7.
I think it's only New Jersey now. It used to be Oregon also but I think late last year they removed that requirement.
Most of the Amazon delivery trucks that I see around me are the Rivian vans.
My personal highlight in addition to the great games listed below is Divinity Original Sin 2. Such a great game, and super cheap ($13.50 for the base game).
It's the acronym for the phrase in the article - "Dual Income No Kids". Might have been more obvious if it were in caps.
Where they were in a junkyard and they had to fight some spike covered zombie.