Meh. If they keep this up I'll go somewhere else. I'm not gonna waste my time watching YouTube without sponsorblock.
I don't get why. I have no interest in going back and have not yet I still see a ton of reddit on lemmy.
Tbf we eat pizza with pretty much any topping in italy and I'd he laughed out of the room by most Americans for what I like.
Hawaiian is great with jalapeño. Hot dog and onion. Eggplant and anchovy. If it's deep dish, broccoli.
That is if you go find fruits in their original form. Current grocery store fruit have been bred to be full of sugar. Bananas used to have large seeds. Sadly if you want to eat anything sweet you're just going to have to accept the fact that it's not healthy.
There are several lemmy apps in development and one on the app store already so that's not gonna last long.
Oh man. Lol to function and be independent I had to learn to ignore the fire but I think it's starting to burn down my house. Problem is we have abysmal Healthcare, especially mental so my body and mind both have decided they're retiring. Hrmm... at least theresmpizza,right?
As an artist I want to see what AI can do. In many ways it can do things humans can't. It's OK if creative jobs are taken by AI, we need entertainment but then as a society we can focus on other things like becoming doctora and teachers and stem that is if we get free education and stop passing anti education laws.
It's definitely lebrons.
Lol it's funny people keep bringing up the NSFW as if everyone is going to be outraged. I mean I don't care if people like to watch gangbangs or whatever but I have absolutely no interest in porn. I'd rather look at some cuddling, hand holding, tender smooches and romance. But I do not like having to turn off NSFW and miss out on all the non sexual NSFW content on here.
These are the games I have installed
Out of all of these if I weren't always at home and had a controller with me it's vampire survivor and dead cells. No controller, reigns.
Yeah that's just crazy. There's nothing about youtube that would make me pay that much.