The all-time leading scorer in international football (men or women) probably just finished her career without a goal at the World Cup. There will be a lot of questions about whether she should have even played, but she played. Canada must now move on with a disappointing exit in the group stage.
When I moved to America, I was surprised by the amount of fees. Fees to pick up garbage, visit a doctor, and drive on most highways.
The country I lived in had higher taxes, but almost no fees.
Americans seem dumb when it comes to taxes and fees.
The 2024 election will be a referendum on the rule of law.
Does it matter?
Does it matter that Trump is accused of butchering it? Does it matter that Alabama is ignoring a SCOTUS ruling it doesn't like?
Are we for laws or not? Big moment for America, as you don't come back from being not for laws right away.
This is why we need better education in the US.
Also, this is why we can't have healthcare. We don't know why we deserve it.
I was talking to a person once about single-payer Canadian healthcare. And she said, but what if someone doesn't work? Should they still get it?
[I mean, yes.]
I said, how come you don't ask that question about cops and firefighters? You don't say, well if someone doesn't work, should the firefighter's come to their house if there is a fire? We have single-payer police insurance and single-payer firefighter insurance.
But after the fire, you're on your own!
America! Fuck, yeah.
We found some good players in the last few windows.
In the US the right has: Banned abortion (SCOTUS) Banned books. Made it okay to discriminate against gay people (303 creative) Banned drag shows. Is thinking about banning contraceptives.
There is no debate here. The right is banning things. The left has no equivalent bans on social issues.
3 of the last 4 GOP presidents proudly cut taxes for rich people. To distract you from that, the right is doing culture wars or wars on woke.
Trust me, calling a Hurricane season the BP Hurricane Season is not free advertising. A bunch of red hat-wearing cultists will love it, but the vast majority of the planet will understand the premise. And it will tick away at their dominance.
Or we can just carry on and let them open up public lands to drill baby drill whilst we watch average global temps rise.
I deleted my account. That probably showed 'em.
Anyone listen to the Behind the Bastards pod on Adams? It was a two-parter that was awesome. Google it Lemmies.
It turns out, a lot of US politics is built on norms. You're not supposed to hire your daughter and son-in-law, then let your son-in-law be in charge of freakin' middle east peace, and then walk out with billions in investments.
You're not supposed to lie all the time, and then be supported.
You're not supposed to grab women by the you know what and get elected.
You're not supposed to lie and cheat and do whatever. The Bulwark has an awesome piece on the corruption of Lindsay Graham. It is very informative about how it takes more people to make a Trump.