I mean, you wouldn't remember the ones you forgot.
Ideally they'd be taxed into no longer being billionaires.
Realistically we probably need to violently remind them who holds the actual power before this becomes a reality.
People tend to downvite things they think are stupid.
Probably an assumption that Russia wishes to continue to exist.
The person you replied to only spoke about sudden change in temperature, not falling from height.
I'm not American, but nice ableism mate!
I love that you followed this comment complaining about harassment witth a comment telling someone else that you came from their mothers smelly fat vagina. Ah, to be 14 again.
I'm convinced a lot of you fuckers are zionists who want trump in the WH so that Israel gets a blank cheque.
That's a pretty dumb thing to ask someone througb the medium of text.
You just called for his execution, how can you follow that up with "promoting violence, is not the right solution"?
79 is a vast majority of 340?