Killing monsters who harm and kill en masse is a bad attitude?
He said suffrage not women suffering. Lol Jesus. Look it up in an encyclopedia.
And to top it off, let’s be honest, the logo is an eyesore!
I thought it was just my imagination that it’s been getting worse and worse in both implementation and ecosystem.
It’s a great joke.
As has happened a thousand times. The criminal justice system needs to be perceived as effective to the masses, so they will often use a patsy.
Truth is that killing someone and getting away with it is not too difficult if you’re very smart and plan it well.
Just FYI it’s “hanged.”
They’ve publicly admitted to conducting harmful social experiments and they said “oh weee sowwwy.” Why they weren’t fined $1B is beyond me. Oh wait… it’s because they’re Big Brother’s first line of recon.
Two down, 627,000 to go!
Never going to happen. Got to keep those sheep. Buying new every few years. A long lasting product of quality is not in their playbook.
Why do you say they’re being deleted? There are comments right here. What’s been deleted that you know of?