
joined 5 years ago


Quoting William L. Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, page 233:

The so‐called Nuremberg Laws of September 15, 1935, deprived the Jews of German citizenship, confining them to the status of “subjects.” It also forbade marriage between Jews and Aryans as well as extramarital relations between them, and it prohibited Jews from employing female Aryan servants under thirty‐five years of age. In the next few years some thirteen decrees supplementing the Nuremberg Laws would outlaw the Jew completely.

Some of us may remember reading somewhere that Imperial America’s so‐called ‘Jim Crow’ laws formed the basis of the Nuremberg Laws. There is certainly some truth to that claim, but chances are your understanding of this is minimalistic. The following paragraphs shall hopefully provide you with a clearer and more formal understanding of the matter:

The [Fascist] attorney and scholar Heinrich Krieger was a crucial actor in the process of [the Third Reich] studying and adopting American racial laws and practices and, in particular, American Indian law and policies. “Krieger himself defended the importance of studying the race laws in the United States” because it “was the only country besides the German Reich and South Africa that had ‘real race legislation.’”^295^

Consequently, Krieger researched and published important materials that [Reich] officials, jurists, attorneys, and scholars used to debate and formalize legislative proposals in the run‐up to the enactment of the infamous Nuremberg Laws in 1935.^296^ For example, Krieger’s materials were probably distributed, or at the least were well‐known, to the attendees at the crucial June 5, 1934 meeting in the process of developing the Nuremberg Laws.^297^

At this meeting, seventeen German jurists, lawyers, scholars, and party officials debated at great length how [the Third Reich] could legally discriminate against Jews and they discussed in depth American federal and state laws as viable working models.^298^ A brief review of Krieger’s work adds significant strength to the thesis that [Fascist] scholars and officials were heavily influenced by United States race law and by federal Indian law.

In 1933–34, Krieger was an exchange student studying American “legal and sociological” issues at the University of Arkansas Law School while he also held a fellowship from the prestigious Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft (Emergency Association of German Science). 299 He was simultaneously “conducting research in the Library of Congress to write his dissertation on “American Racial Law.”^300^

His dissertation was published in 1936 and became well‐known to [Fascist] scholars and even somewhat to the German public. But significantly, he also published his research and findings on American race laws in an article contemporaneously with the June 5, 1934 Nuremberg Laws meeting discussed infra.^301^

In the 1934 article, Race Law in the United States, and in the 1936 publication of his dissertation under the same title, Krieger presented his findings on American racial laws and, for example, cited the statutes of thirty U.S. states that criminalized or civilly nullified inter‐racial marriages, or miscegenation.

Most importantly for this Article, Krieger became intimately familiar with American Indian Law. He published a twenty‐nine page law review article on Indian law in March 1935, Principles of the Indian Law and the Act of June 18, 1934.^302^ His findings and the information he provided on federal Indian law were important to [Fascist] officials in their study of American race law in general.

One author, citing Krieger and other [Fascist] scholars, notes that Indian law was discussed by many [Fascists] “within the context of more general descriptions of American racial legislation. […] [and they] deliberately compared American legislation to the so‐called Nuremberg Race Laws […] [and it is] obvious that the discussion of Indians as segregated racial entities on reservations […] suited the [Fascist] ideology of racial purity and cultural determinations.”^303^

This author concludes that “prohibiting mixed marriages [as American antimiscegenation statutes and the Nuremberg Laws did] and the Indian New Deal [the specific Indian law that Krieger analyzed] served as a model and justification for [Fascist] racial legislation, and eventually for racial discrimination.”^304^

There are more paragraphs therein, and further could be said about the Nuremberg Laws, such as looking directly at the Jews who suffered from them, but for the sake of brevity I’d like to end this excerpt here.

[Footnote]One last thing: although it’s only tangentially related to the above, I feel that given how repetitively anticommunists like to equate the Soviet Union with the Third Reich, it may be necessary to have a look at intermarriage in the Soviet Union. Quoting from Albert Szymański’s Human Rights in the Soviet Union, page 89:

As a measure of the rapid integration of Jews into Soviet society, intermarriage, which was extremely rare before the Revolution, became quite common.^57^

Similarly, from Choosing One or Being Both: The Identity Dilemmas of Russian–Jewish Mixed Ethnics Living in Russia and in Israel:

As elsewhere, marriage to members of the dominant majority (Slavs in this case) has been a sign of the on‐going secularization and assimilation of the Jews under the Soviet regime. Despite institutional and social antisemitism, marriages between Jews and non‐Jews had been widespread and socially acceptable in the USSR/FSU since the 1920s and continued to increase during the post‐Soviet period.^5^ Among younger cohorts of Russian/Soviet Jews, over sixty percent have non‐Jewish spouses, with exogamy being more common among Jewish men.

Thus, in 1979, fifty‐one percent of married Jewish men and only thirty‐three percent of married Jewish women had spouses from another ethnic group; by 2002, the share of non‐Jewish spouses among Jewish men and women reached seventy‐two percent and fifty‐three percent respectively.^6^ Several generations of exogamy are reflected in the ethnic composition of younger cohorts whereby fifty to seventy percent has one Jewish parent or grandparent. The mixed ethnicity phenomenon is largely typical for Ashkenazi (eastern European) Soviet Jews, while non‐Ashkenazi Jews of Transcaucasia and Central Asia opt for endo‐gamy and ethno‐religious continuity.

Other events that happened today (September 15):

1913: Johannes Steinhoff, Luftwaffe fighter ace and later NATO official, existed.
1919: Angelo Fausto Coppi, Axis soldier (and cyclist), was born.
1935: The Third Reich officially adopted its new national flag bearing the swastika.
1940: The climax of the Battle of Britain, when the Luftwaffe launched its largest and most concentrated assault of the entire campaign.
1942: Axis torpedoes sunk the Allied Navy aircraft carrier USS Wasp at Guadalcanal.
1944: The Battle of Peleliu commenced as the United States Marine Corps' 1st Marine Division and the United States Army's 81st Infantry Division hit White and Orange beaches under heavy fire from Axis infantry and artillery.
1945: Anton Webern, ambivalent Axis musician, expired.
1975: Franco Bordoni‐Bisleri, Axis pilot, died.
1978: Willy Messerschmitt, Axis aircraft designer and manufacturer, perished.


For Marxists, the future of the planet and the climate crisis depends highly on which class owns the means of production. Technology and automation, including artificial intelligence (AI), can be helpful to advance material conditions of the working class, but only if the devices, gadgets and programs are owned and operated by the working class. Under capitalism, technology and automation, especially AI, are a disaster for working people and have a reputation of being job killers.

In contrast to capitalist countries, technology in socialist countries, such as China and Cuba, is used to benefit people. While capitalist countries use technology to help the wealthy few, Cuba sends doctors around the world. China is expanding green technology at home while assisting with the building of infrastructure in many African countries, with the use of technology.

No one truly knows with 100% certainty what future summers will be like. As Sam Marcy, founder of Workers World Party, would often say, “Marxists don’t have a crystal ball,” meaning we cannot predict the future.

At the same time, as dialectical materialists, we do look at scientific evidence to reach conclusions. Studies show that climate change is due to the burning of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gas emissions and trap the sun’s heat and provoke temperatures to rise. (Greenly Institute, Aug. 8)

Climate change started with the large extraction and burning of natural resources, such as oil, gas and coal, in the late 1800s. Resource extraction and consumer use led to an increase of carbon dioxide in the air. The plundering of Indigenous lands was conducted for the sake of profits, and irreparable damage was done in the process of stealing minerals for capital gains.

Unusual and abnormal weather conditions are a painful reminder of the harm inflicted upon the Earth. While a lot of the destruction may be irreversible, any revolt or struggle against corporations responsible for environmental devastation is a step forward. Unity among environmental and labor activists is important because our class enemy is the same.

Due to the severity of the climate crisis, an anti-capitalist and pro-working class response is most needed. The only way to truly ensure a sustainable ecosystem and put a halt to the ongoing crisis is to put a stop to the very same profit-driven system responsible for the crisis.


And then when I went to the Republican ones, and I talked to Latvians and Lithuanians and so forth, they just started talking openly about the connection between the Republican Club, the Coalition for Peace through Strength, the ABN [Antibolshevik Bloc of Nations], and the World Anticommunist League. They all—it was all umbrella, the same people.

And so, I said [that] this story is going to take a while to tell, because I wanted to cover everything, and… make sure they—they were used to operating without anybody questioning who[m] they were. They were taken at face value. You know. ‘I hate the Soviet Union.’ ‘Well, you hate the Soviet Union, so we don’t ask any other questions’, you know. Right.


[A]fter the election of 1988 was over, the New York Times published an opinion piece [that] I wrote on this subject, about the [Fascist] wing of the Republican Party, and not one newspaper picked the story up, and there was no reporting on it ever. And… 60 Minutes, which was a major television investigative reporting program, started working on it, but White House pressure was put on them to kill the story and they did.

(Spotted here.)

Events that happened today (September 14):

1940: The Hungarian Army, supported by local Hungarians, massacred 158 Romanian civilians in Ip, Sălaj, a village in Northern Transylvania.
1943: The Wehrmacht commenced a three‐day retaliatory operation targeting several Greek villages in the region of Viannos, whose death toll would eventually exceed 500 persons.
1944: The Axis the Dutch city of Maastricht to the Allies.
1966: Hiram Wesley Evans, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, dropped dead.


I was one of the international eyewitnesses to the 2002 [neocolonial] massacre in Jenin. It was life–changing. I mean, as Palestinians, we grow up knowing a lot of these horrors, but it was another matter to see it up close and smell — to smell it — that was the overwhelming impression. Death, rotting corpses everywhere, pulling corpses from the rubble after [neocolonialism] had bulldozed people inside their homes. I never stopped thinking about it. And when I came back [to Imperial America], the disconnect between the life I was living, the job I had and what I had just witnessed was profound. I didn’t know what to do with it.

I was a single mother at the time. I wasn’t making much money working for a pharmaceutical company. I didn’t have a lot of choices. At the same time, I’d been writing articles that were getting picked up by major papers, including The Philadelphia Inquirer — which, unknown to me, was irritating a lot of the Zionist bosses where I worked. Thus began the plan to get rid of me. So they started moving me from one lab to another. Eventually I was laid off from my job, so the decision was made for me.

It was December 22, a few days before Christmas, and I was terrified. I cried that whole day. And the next day, I just got up and started writing about what I had seen in Jenin. I just kept writing; I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t know I was writing a book until I was knee-deep into it. Then I realized: Wait, this is a novel. So I mortgaged my house, went into massive debt and yeah, wrote this.


I thought [that] it was the end of us all then. I was 15 years old. I was all alone in this hell. They told us to undress and that we were going to be showered, and that they were going to give us clothes. The place was so cold, it was in early winter. Birkenau, which is Poland, it was freezing cold. We stayed there for hours to wait for our clothes. They took our clothes away, and they gave us inmate clothes. And it was paper thin.

The next day they came after roll call, and they tattooed me. They tattooed me and they told us [that] from now on, this is my name. My name is A‐5143. And they said, “From now on you do not answer by your name. Your name is your number.” And the delusion, the disappointment, the discouragement that I felt…I felt like I was not a human person anymore.


They took her away, and they threw—they didn’t bury or burn [everybody]. They just threw [some] out in front of the barrack—the door, and the mountain was as tall, uh, like, uh… to the top of the door. I’ll never forget it; it was a mountain of dead people, […] cadavers. And one day, [on] the second day, I decided to go look and see where Christian was, and I almost fell on the […] cadavers, because [sic] she was covered with lice! And I couldn’t believe it, and they were crawling [sic?] all over her, eating her flesh. And so I ran away; I couldn’t look anymore. And I ran away from her, and never looked at her again.

Events that happened today (September 13):

1877: Wilhelm Filchner, Reich explorer, was born.
1885: Wilhelm Johann Eugen Blaschke, Fascist mathematician, was brought into the world.
1891: Max Pruss, Fascist captain, arrived on this dust ball.
1899: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Romanian fascist, stained the earth.
1936: Stefano Delle Chiaie, neofascist terrorist, worsened life with his presence.
1942: Second day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge in the Guadalcanal Campaign: U.S. Marines successfully defeated attacks by the Japanese with heavy losses for the Axis forces.
1944: Start of the Battle of Meligalas between the Greek Resistance forces of the Greek People’s Liberation Army (ELAS) and the collaborationist security battalions.


The most recent contract offers from the Detroit Three have been deemed “insulting” by the UAW, as the offers fail to properly address union demands for pay increases that match the increase in CEO pay, restoration of the cost-of-living allowance, elimination of unequal pay and benefit tiers, job security, a shorter work week and more.


France, in particular, has used the CFA franc to keep West and Central African nations undeveloped — and from ports to mineral deals has forced African countries into deeply unequal economic relationships. Despite their boats of “aid” in 2021, “aid” to Niger amounted to $1.37 a week per Nigerien; only 7 cents were spent on education and 15 cents on supporting health care services.

Appealing to “democracy,” blaming Russia and various other excuses are born out of desperation as [neo]imperialism loses its grip on the African continent. The military forces of the NATO countries are no longer able to enforce a deeply unequal order. Africans understand what’s going on, and won’t take it any longer. French neocolonialism is the most odious manifestation of a broader set of policies backed by the G7 nations to keep Africa in chains; the uprising against it is the first step in removing those shackles.


The spirit of resistance to this attack on the right to dissent was evidenced again Sept. 8, as a multinational, multigenerational demonstration gathered outside Carr’s office across the street from the State Capitol.

The Movement to Stop Cop City is fueled by the unabated deaths at the hands of police, including 62-year-old church deacon John Hollman, who was tased to death following a minor traffic accident on Aug. 11, and six deaths in six weeks at the Fulton County Detention Center, the latest being 24-year-old Shawndre Delmore from cardiac arrest (!) on Sept. 3.

These tragedies converged with the continuing pollution of the South River by the clearing of thousands of trees at the Cop City site and the ongoing media lies and political attacks from the Atlanta Police Foundation, intended to whitewash the reactionary and racist purpose of the police-training facility.


Quoting Raffael Scheck’s Hitler’s African Victims: The German Army Massacres of Black French Soldiers in 1940, page 39:

The [Fascists] then led eight white officers and sixty to seventy Tirailleurs Sénégalais down the road to Chères, the next village. Near a field where two tanks were parked, the officers had to lie down. Meanwhile, the [Fascists] ordered the Tirailleurs to assemble with raised hands in the field with the tanks and ordered them to start running, as if attempting to escape. The two tanks then fired their machine guns and cannons at the fleeing black soldiers while driving over the wounded and dead.^59^

Close to fifty Tirailleurs were murdered in what an observer described as a Dantesque “vision of horror.”^60^ A [Fascist] deliberately wounded the white French commander with a pistol shot, but the other officers were not hurt. In the days that followed, some surviving Tirailleurs were found in the houses of Chasselay and the surrounding fields and orchards.


Some sources claim that the tanks deliberately ran back and forth over the bodies, but witnesses closer to the events state that the tanks drove over the bodies while in pursuit of the fleeing Tirailleurs without apparent intention to crush them. For testimonies, see Archives départementales de Lyon, folders 3808 W 879 (Chasselay) and 437 W 173. The most detailed and reliable witness reports are by Marcel Requier, one of the surviving officers, and by Raymond Murard, a resident of Chasselay who helped bury the corpses the next day.

(Emphasis added.)

Similarly, the Fascists in Libya sometimes ran tanks over rebels.

Events that happened today (September 12):

1882: Ion Agârbiceanu, fascist priest, made the mistake of existing.
1938: Adolf Schicklgruber demanded autonomy and self‐determination for the Germans of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland region.
1942: An Axis submarine torpedoed the RMS Laconia off the coast of West Africa, sinking it and massacring its civilians, Allied soldiers and Italian POWs. Meanwhile, on the first day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge during the Guadalcanal Campaign the Imperial Japanese Army assaulted the U.S. Marines protecting Henderson Field.
1943: Otto Skorzeny’s commando forces rescued Benito Mussolini from his house arrest. 1944: The liberation of Yugoslavia from Axis occupation continued, and Bajina Bašta in western Serbia was among the liberated cities. 1945: Korean communists proclaimed the People’s Republic of Korea, bringing an end to Axis rule over Korea. Coincidentally, the Axis field marshal Hajime Sugiyama ended his own life.
1953: Hugo Schmeisser, Axis arms designer, expired.
1956: Count Sándor Ágost Dénes Festetics de Tolna, pro‐Reich Zionist, dropped dead.


While the Chilean military junta was not, technically speaking, fascist, it nevertheless remains indisputable that it won the support of Fascists (Walter Rauff) and neofascists alike. One indirect but interesting way was through the torturer Miguel Krassnoff, the son of Axis soldier Pyotr Krasnov, but for today’s topic I invite you to look at the Swedish neofascists who supported the junta:

In January 1976, the Swedish–Chilean society was officially established. Because of the political background of most of its members, it was soon publicly known for having strong connections with [neofascist] organizations.^22^ […] The most important members were Åke Lindsten, Ulf Hamacher and Erik Ulfhake. The treasurers were Sven Brile and Olle Svanström.^30^ The only newly known [neo]fascist from this list was Åke Lindsten, who was an active member of National League of Sweden together with Ulf Hamacher.^31^


Ambassador Törnvall was also invited by Ungsvenskarna (Young Swedes) to give a lecture about the new Chilean constitution in September 1980. This political association had its origins in [German Fascist] ideology but formed part of the conservative Moderate Party, although promoting more radical right-wing positions than its mother party.^69^ About 40 members of the organization attended the lecture. During this meeting, the president of Ungsvenskarna, Claes av Ugglas, voiced his sympathies for Pinochet and expressed his criticism in relation to the Swedish media and the public authorities and their stance to Chile.


On August 9, 1982, the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet published an extensive article about Nazi organizations in Sweden and their racist and violent actions against immigrants which included a long interview with Ulf Hamacher. The author of the article referred several times to the former Ambassador Törnvall and informed about the connections of these radical groups with the Chilean embassy.

The articled included the names of some of the ultra‐conservative members of the [neofascist] organizations that had strong sympathies with Pinochet, such as Claes Lantz, G. Frostensson, Per‐Johan Bergelin and Ulf Hamacher, all active in the Society and also in the National League of Sweden. During the interview, Hamacher lamented that the new Chilean ambassador did not have any interest in keeping the collaboration with them. The author also mentioned that even the leader of Ku Klux Klan in Sweden had been active in the Swedish–Chilean society for a short period of time.^74^


Pinochet himself benefited from the sympathies of the Swedish [neofascist] militants. Besides the limited number (around 250 members in the society by 1980), they were quite active in publishing articles in local magazines and newspapers on his honor. Indeed, the dictator had a long contact with the leaders of the Swedish–Chilean society. They personally met in Chile and they had a direct communication via regular mail. Some of them received the highest Chilean award.

(Emphasis added.)

Events that happened today (September 11):

1899: Philipp Bouhler, the SS official responsible for the Aktion T4 euthanasia program that massacred more than 250,000 disabled adults and children, as well as co‐initiator of the Aktion 14f13 campaign that massacred 15,000–20,000 concentration camp prisoners, disgraced humanity with his existence.
1941: Charles Lindbergh's Des Moines gave a speech accusing the British, Jews and the FDR régime of pressing for war with the Third Reich.
1943: Reich troops occupied Corsica and Kosovo-Metohija, thereby ending the Kingdom of Italy’s occupation of Corsica.
1944: RAF bombing raid on Darmstadt and the following firestorm killed 11,500.
1945: Australian 9th Division forces arrived at the Axis‐run Batu Lintang camp, a POW and civilian internment camp on the island of Borneo.


In fact, according to the review of Allende’s autopsy report of September 1973, which remained unknown until the year 2000 and which journalist Monica Gonzalez inserted as an annex in her book La Conjura. The Thousand and One Days of the Coup, it was found that Allende’s skull showed two bullet wounds from two different weapons.

The first of them is associated with a shot from a short gun that leaves a perfect hole in the back of the cranial vault and a second wound, with a high-powered weapon that causes skull bursting, applied in the submental area. The apparent purpose of the latter is to simulate suicide. This report caused worldwide impact and brought the issue of the causes of Allende’s death back into the public debate.

This first inquiry by Dr. Ravanal has never been scientifically disputed and, in fact, this forensic physician was awarded at the World Congress of Forensic Medicine (Seoul, October 2014) as the best speaker for his report on the causes of Allende’s death. Unfortunately, this distinction, the highest that can be awarded by forensic science worldwide, was never highlighted by the Chilean and international press, as it has happened with all the antecedents that point to prove that Allende did not commit suicide.


In addition to the suppression of their right to strike and access trade union benefits, the workers on the coast of the Atacama Desert were accused of being both ‘communists’ (without it being the case), and ‘Indians’. In this context of racialization, ‘communist’ and ‘Indian’ were practically synonymous in the mining semantics. Accusations were thus used to stop workers’ mobilizations to improve working conditions. The derogatory labelling of ‘communist Indians’ in the context of mining colonization can be understood as a ‘phobic and obsessive figure’^1^ (Mbembe, 2013, p. 37).


The imprisoned trade unionists and thermoelectric workers were sent to the coastal town of Pisagua, located 400 kilometres north of Tocopilla. Pisagua was an ‘unhappy, abandoned, narrow and dirty port. Ruinous, dead . . . ’ (Bucat, 2016, p. 221). According to González Videla himself, Pisagua, being surrounded by the ocean and the desert, ‘made it easier for the Armed Forces to control the surveillance of the relegated communists’ (González Videla, 1975, p. 1273).

The processes of brutalization reached their maximum expression through a policy of death, a barbarism applied to workers’ bodies. In Mbembe’s words, an articulation emerged between the ‘state of exception and the relationship of enmity’ (Mbembe, 2011, p. 21), resulting in the regulation of a certain right to imprison, to torture and to kill. A military prison complex was created to not affect the company’s productivity rates.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

There are some great videos on the Hasidim that you should watch some time, but many of them are a few dozen minutes long. I am sure that you’ll enjoy them, though. There is one boy in the series who reminds me of Omar Mukhtar.

If you don’t have a lot of time you could watch this miniseries of Ashkenazim and Sephardim exchanging culture. It’s much lighter on the Judaism content, but it’s pretty fun.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just HOW can you support communism as a Polish person after everything it did to your country?????

See, for example:

The rapid increase in the living standards of the workers and peasants in post-World War II Poland is reflected in the trends in meat consumption. In 1966–68 Poles were consuming an average of 47, and in 1975–77, 61, grams of animal protein per day. This is higher than the Western European average, and almost equal to that of the United States. For example, in 1975–77 West Germans ate an average of 55 grams per day; Italians, 45; and Swedes, 62. In the United States animal protein consumption per capita was 73 grams a day, and in the USSR, 51 grams (FAO, 1978:table 9).

The rise in living standards has also been reflected in a radical increase in social services available to the Polish working class. In 1977 there was one physician per 610 people in Poland, compared with one per 1,070 in 1960 and one per 2,660 in 1938—the average for all the advanced capitalist countries in 1979 was one per 620 people. The attention given by the socialist state to health care was reflected in the radical reduction in infant mortality from 140 per 1,000 live births in 1935 and 111 in 1950 to 22 per 1,000 in 1978 (the U.S. rate in the mid-1960s) (see U.N. Statistical Yearbook, various; World Bank, 1981: tables 20, 21).


The 1970–75 period was extremely successful economically. In these years national income grew by 9.4 percent a year (the rate was 6.0 percent from 1965 to 1970), industrial production by 10.8 percent (it was 7.8 percent from 1965 to 1970), and net fixed capital formation by 18.4 percent (it was 9.2 percent from 1965 to 1970), while wages grew by about 12 percent a year (compared with about 2 percent a year from 1965 to 1970). Food prices remained frozen over the 1970–75 period. Between 1971 and 1974 productivity grew at 7 percent a year (Hare and Wanless, 1981:505; also Table 3.1 in this chapter).


[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

As recently as this morning I was wishing that I could shoot my brains out because I still obsess over how I disgraced myself in public nearly one year ago, and months earlier when I told a couple of friends about this they did basically absolutely nothing to help. Dwelling on their interactions has only made me want to stay away from them, so I haven’t talked to anybody on Discord in almost one month. I’m lonely, but I feel like if I try reinteracting with them, they’ll only disappoint me again, so it’s better to stay alone.

There are still a few things that prevent me from taking my life: 1) I don’t want my stepdad to feel guilty, 2) I have enough reasonability to recognize that I’ll feel less suicidal later, 3) my medications help me somewhat, and 4) I have a feeling that even if I really tried to kill myself I’d only fuck up again, like the bullet would only incapacitate me mentally without killing me. Usually when I try something for the first time, something goes wrong, so that would be pretty typical.

My standard of living isn’t even particularly awful. It’s okay, but the trade‐off is that I have to live with a severe depression that stays with me like cancer.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Judging from this conversation they seem to accept the fact that anti‐Zionism is not antisemitism. One of the conversants drafted an official definition of antisemitism for an institution and he seemed unhappy when the final draft conflated anti‐Zionism and antisemitism.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

To be honest, I feel like applying lethal force to every single militant anticommunist might be a little over the line. I was reluctant to state that earlier because I didn’t want my ‘moderate’ attitude to annoy somebody, but whether it’s due to exhaustion or something else, I simply don’t have the same fiery hatred for my enemies that I used to have.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Whoah! You’ve opened my eyes. For the longest time I mistakenly thought that this video was the definitive answer on the topic, but your source completely blows it out of the water.

I’m going to go share your links with everybody in my clique right now! Thanks for red‐pilling me!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Now why would anticommies need to consult an organization for that when they’re clearly already capable of making up whatever shit that they want on their own? That’s another one of the great privileges of being an anticommie: you get to do zero studying!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Further analysis reveals that higher Islamophobia Index scores among Muslims are driven primarily by Muslims who identify as ‘white.’ In 2020, white Muslims showed increased Islamophobia with a score of 27, followed by an even larger increase in 2022 with a score of 40, significantly higher than white Evangelicals (30). Further research is needed to explain why there has been such a large increase in Islamophobia among white Muslims.

Endorsing negative stereotypes about one’s own community is referred to as internalized oppression, or internalized bigotry or racism in the case of a racial group. It is worth noting that, compared with older Muslims, internalized Islamophobia is more prevalent among younger Muslims, who have lived the majority of their lives after 9/11/2001, in a country that has demonized their identity in popular culturenews mediapolitical rhetoric, and in policyResearch suggests that this kind of steady drumbeat of bigoted ideas and state actions have a detrimental impact on the target group’s self-image and mental health.

Another noteworthy and alarming finding were the disproportionately negative views among white Muslims, who are also the most likely to report experiencing ‘regular’ religious discrimination. Some studies on internalized racism have surprisingly found that endorsing negative stereotypes about one’s own group is associated with a higher locus of control. This suggests that internalized prejudice may actually be a defense mechanism against the trauma of bigotry at the hands of the dominant group by agreeing with those in power but believing one has the choice (locus of control) to not be like those tropes. More research is needed to fully understand the why and how of internalized Islamophobia.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Illegal unilateral restrictions.

Yeah, but… you can’t just expect a capitalist empire to simply not illegally sanction somebody. Not only does that make absolutely no sense, but it is completely, outrageously unfair. I mean, do you have any idea how much effort that would take? To not sanction somebody?

The sanctions on Russia, Haiti, Cuba, N. Korea, and dozens of others are completely their responsibility and expecting them to be the ones to lift the sanctions is perfectly logical. In fact, they’re basically all sanctioning themselves. If anything, America is the real victim in this situation!

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