Delicious too.
McD has zero vegetarian options, besides some very sad salad.
Yes, obviously you should cut supply lines, duh. Why would you supply products to someone who isn't paying for them.
How did you patch it?
There were many small subs with genuinely knowledgeable people but many have shut down after the API change.
I signed up here a while ago but continued using reddit because Relay still worked. Now it's asking for money and there's no chance in hell I'll give even a cent to spez.
I was born in a shit country and everyone here worked hard over the past few decades to turn it into a decent country, with help from developed ones. That's how.
Niekas radijo nebeklauso, nebent tik vairuodami, tai ir iš reklamų jie nieko nebeuždirba, užtai daugiau jų leidžia. Aš Rock fm klausau, ten kažkaip dar nebaisiai.
Yeah, I support the first bit. We certainly can afford to help them in their home countries.
How many immigrants have you accepted into your home? Would you like a million more?
You are a great example.