No idea what you're talking about but Christianity is definitely a real thing, and it's not the Christo fascism that you've been exposed to.
Hi I'm a Christian and I care. The goat seems to be made to auction to spread awareness for human trafficking. Very bizarre to go with this method though. I also know nothing of the organization and it's effectiveness in helping stop child human trafficking. Especially after that movie and the backlash it got with how little it did in helping the actual core issue. Bunch of hypocrites.
Carriers don't care. They are selling you data. They don't care how it's used. Google is selling you a phone. Apple held down the market for a long time for being the phone that has some of the best security. As an android user that makes me want to switch phones. Not carriers.
If you want to talk money then it is in businesses best interest that money from their users is being used on their products, not being scammed through the use of their products.
Secondly machine learning or algorithms can detect patterns in ways a human can't. In some circles I've read that the programmers themselves can't decipher in the code how the end result is spat out, just that the inputs will guide it. Besides the fact that scammers can circumvent any carefully laid down antispam, antiscam, anti-virus through traditional software, a learning algorithm will be magnitudes harder to bypass. Or easier. Depends on the algorithm
I read the Bible yearly and am going through leviticus at the moment and it strictly calls out punishments to those who mock the blind and leading the blind to stumble. I don't know what these "Christians" are citing but it isn't the Bible.
Nah. Not really even close
What about qualified? Is there an argument to be had about hiring someone that is more qualified rather than on diversity?
I'm not trying to be facetious here. I work as a union electrician and we have a diverse group, but majority of our workforce are men. On one project we needed 2 crew to run trench conduit (an apprentice and journey level to stay in ratio) but because it was a government project the hiring required us to also stay in diversity ratio. So the project manager anticipated the difficulty and hire 3. A woman and 2 men. All 3 were working on the trench, but due to the nature of the work (harder physical labor) the woman ended up holding a sign for the remainder of 6 months she had to be there to "fill" the diversity hire, as the original planned 2 man crew ran the trench to stay on schedule.
In this scenario should there be a bigger budget for diversity hire to compensate the additional labor required due to qualifications not being met? Of course it easily could have been a rock of a woman and 2 men who couldn't lift a shovel too. But if that was the case the unqualified labor would have been rotated out instead of staying to fill a required diversity slot. It could have been 2 people like originally planned and both could have been women who were qualified to do the work. But that means it's qualification over them filling their diversity roles.
On the surface hiring based off merit sounds better than hiring for diversity, but is it that merit is harder to achieve in diverse communities because of socio economic class? Racism basically?
So my current model P1S is safe from all this bs?
I have a P1S and can't return it. What's so bad about this new firmware?
Yeah, probably. It's a non profit but I don't know how that money gets audited. If law even applies here.