When I was probably like 10 or 11 or something I started learning JavaScript because I thought it was the language Minecraft was written in (It's actually Java)
When I was 13 I installed Linux in Virtualbox on a Mac because for some reason thought dual booting would be harder, we did not have any non-apple devices in the house, I do not recommend, the performance was terrible (I probably had something set up wrong because it was really way worse than you would expect)
I have ended up on Windows with a Linux laptop for traveling, but will probably switch to Linux as soon as either:
- I get a new VR headset
- Monado gets decent controller tracking support
- It's 2026 and Windows with WMR support has stopped getting security updates
Then I will have crossed the whole mac->windows->linux pipeline.
I am told that where my italian great grandmother lived it was fairly normal to keep a goat in the house (like, indoors) for financial reasons
interesting to me as I have never heard of that being a thing in the U.S.
honestly if you can 3d print something you can make something almost as strong out of wood, it just takes more effort
one could also easily make a disposable mold for a low-melting-point metal alloy, those are much stronger than 3d prints and many can be melted on a normal stove
I think the problem is more that information on how to make guns is now easily available, rather than the specific usefulness of 3d printing as a manufacturing technique
there's also the 'being rich' thing
I wonder if this is partially a north/south italy divide thing (I don't know all that much about Italy but I have heard the north was generally more privileged)
yea, its because the Italians (and Irish, Chinese, etc as well) generally came to America later and were poorer than the British/French/Germans etc were, so they were often discriminated against (plus the mafia thing, but that also generally comes from being poorer)
my mother is Italian and often gets mistaken for Latin American
a court case also draws out media coverage, possibly more than an extended search would
China invented fireworks around 1k years ago, but Germany made the first one that went to space (the V2, the same one they used to bomb a bunch of places in WWII), and scientists from Germany helped to develop rockets a lot further after Operation Paperclip
Proton is way better than whatever thing Apple has going on (didn't they say they were working on their own proton-like thing? did they just forget about it? I remember seeing a video with some sort of dev preview a while ago...)