
joined 2 years ago
[–] Acamon 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)
[–] Acamon 2 points 1 month ago

Sometimes boost doesn't seem to download the image, so I do it again, and then there's two. Not sure what that's about.

[–] Acamon 10 points 1 month ago

Doesnt work for me. 25 is too long if I'm struggling, and if I start getting into it, a five minutes break spoils my flow. I've had more success with "I know you don't want to do this, so let's just do as much as we can in 10 minutes". And sometimes ten minutes is all I need to break a tasks back (writing some email I'd been avoiding), or I kinda get into it and am fine to continue. And if I'm really stressed and just want to escape even after starting, then I go spend some time de-stressing and try something else.

[–] Acamon 3 points 1 month ago

Some public schools and so-called 'experts' try to tell us the earth and other planets orbit around the sun. But anyone can see with the naked eye that the planets don't change brightness, even though their distance from the earth would vary vastly under this crazy heliocentric model! Fake science!

[–] Acamon 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Migration isn't as smooth as it should be. Generally it's good at transferring Google accounts, messages and phone logs, reinstalling apps, etc. But it doesn't automatically log you back in to everything, so there's usually a period where you keep opening an app for the first time since the move and have to set some things up (although I heard that was changing?). No idea about the home screen layout, as I use Lawnchair, and most custom launchers have options to save and back up layouts. But it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't...

[–] Acamon 11 points 1 month ago

I agree with the other commenters, it is mostly awful, screws up image searches, and I've had the browser extension that blocks it from searches installed for years.

But I have also used it, so can partly answer your question. Basically, it lets you build image collections on topics, and has convenient (but also intrusive and data harvesting) extensions / apps that make it easy to add any image you come across online to one of your boards. In the past I've used these boards for home renovation, DIY projects, world building, D&D inspiration / mood boards to share with new players, etc. And as well as just gathering together the images you save, it's pretty good at suggesting similar images.

If it wasn't so awful as a site (the out of control SEO, demanding you're logged in, presumably vast data harvesting) I'd actually use it a lot more. But I generally don't, and I'm looking for an alternative. There's something called Hoarder that you can host yourself, which could be useful. But without the network effects of humans effectively tagging and linking millions of images, it'll sadly never be as good at suggesting relevant new images as Pinterest.

[–] Acamon 21 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Recently got my partner a miyoo mini, it looked so fun that I got myself one too. It's been really nice to just play retro games for short moments, and because it gives me a much needed break from scrolling my phone it actually feels productive and restful. I've just finally completed Link to the Past, a game I played for the first time 30 years ago but never finished.

[–] Acamon 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

No, but I would invite the idea. If someone would be THAT interested, I would gladly show them all the fckd up shit I look up and create. If they did it w/o my consent, lol for them.

I think this is an important part of it. There's a level of discretion that is about polite social boundaries. If someone walks into my room when I'm naked I'd cover myself up, but it's as much because I assume they don't want to see me naked as it is to 'protect my modesty'. I hide NSFW content on my devices because I don't want a friend or family member to accidentally come across something. If they really want to know about stuff like that and poke about, then sure, go for it weirdo. I think the act of prying is more embarrassing than the 'private' stuff it uncovers.

[–] Acamon 2 points 1 month ago

Occasionally (when looking at something I'd rather they didn't know about), the thought that my partner might have installed something that monitors all network traffic and what websites are accessed crosses my mind... But I don't seriously worry about that, because I trust the people I live with, and they wouldn't do things like that.

Maybe your family are less respectful, or think messing with people is funny? But it also might be an expression of social anxiety. It's a pretty typical symptom of anxiety to worry that other people are thinking about us, talking about us, noticing tiny things (when most of the time people don't actually care that much). So worrying about spyware could be a modern version of that?

I wonder if there are some simple tech soloutions you could implement? Even if you simply get a cloud based log of every time your phone is unlocked, you'd be able to spot unauthorised access while you're sleeping. But the real answer is probably working on your sense of security and trust. Do you really have reasons not to trust these people? And if they did find out what you did on your phone, would it really matter? As some of the other commentators have said, if you're secure in yourself, then your online activity becoming public shouldn't worry you.

[–] Acamon 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'd heard the term but hadn't seen the strip. Quite satisfactory indeed.

[–] Acamon 0 points 1 month ago

It absolutely isn't, and it's for sure off-topic, but I glad it was posted here rather than somewhere more specialised. People in assistive tech might already know about this sort of thing. I think it's cool to imagine how different social media would be if we could actually hear each other's voices, and all the general information about age, background, confidence and humour that the voice can convey. There'd probably be less misunderstandings and trolling, but when it happened it would probably hurt more.

But maybe op could change the title to an actual thought, "social media might be less awful if we heard each other's voices" or whatever.

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