The cosmetic skin prices in D4 are absolutely laughable, and the fact that they can only be used with ONE class make it even more bonkers.
Really interesting video -- I honestly didn't realize SSAA worked by just downsampling a larger resolution. Love Alex's deep dives on technical topics on DF.
Since there are so many different components it can vary wildly. My in-car lessons are 85 EUR for 80 minutes. A friend of mine goes to a fahrschule where it's 120 EUR for the same amount of time.
Then there is paying every time you need to redo the test, and every extra in car lesson you need.
Yakuza Kiwami right now (although I haven't picked it up in a while).
Do you mean Palahniuk? Bukowski didn't write Fight Club
If I were to get an iPhone, the primary reason would be for longevity. The update support has just been so hard to find on Android. Let's see now that Google and Samsung are pledging more than 2 OS updates, but their commitment remains to be seen.
I hope to know how that feels one day.
That's also what I'm waiting for before I upgrade. The FPS on my P6P leaves so much to be desired.
It feels like the days of 5EUR döner are in the past now. I see for 7 or 8 EUR sometimes.
I do get a craving for McDonalds fries that I give into probably once or twice per year. Usually I'll get a Big Mac combo, or a couple McMenu sandwiches. The other surprising factor aside from the absurd price is how mediocre the flavour has gotten. While it was never culinary art, it somehow tastes even less like food than I remember just years ago.
I'm disappointed every time.
The same package in Germany is 500g, so maybe there is an element of shrinkflation as well.
You can switch between original and updated graphics, so you can have both!