"New crypto coin" is a weird way to say bribe money laundering
Yeah its all shitty and sad...but...17 car crashes? I feel like it can't be a few mistakes and bad luck.
Sometimes I feel like the man has some hidden wing clips on the side/back of his head keeping his face as taught as it is.
I'm a quarter NK. All the NKs I know are dead tho
People really complaining about Calc 2?
My uncle worked with the Ravens a while back on a VR training program but I believe what you're talking about is real time hud shit.
That being said, there's something cool about all these people being so coordinated and well trained without excessive cues and reminders. Your team can be big fast and strong but if it's not coordinated with the vanilla gear they have, it's going to be a shitshow
It's actually oliver tree. Not Callboy
Quit lurking yall and critique my build
Could nuke it
It's not like we're tryna smell their feet. If you have a dog and you're not a heartless monster, have covid nose, or some other smelling disorder, you're gonna smell your dogs feet whether you try to or not.
There's nothing wrong with those hands. There's ~15-18 fingers between the two of them and the joints are totally in the right place.
Oh shit my bad