Here's some pics of what I threw together. It's all hot glued and messy but it works. Spring loaded nut and bolt presses the micro switch after pulling the fulcrum lever.
I love that nothing is right about it.
The truck is the Kenworth K100E by MrOverFloater. The paint job is Oldies pack Sludig
I really like mine. Its comfortable for long races. I did brace the chair so at the moment mine doesnt have the rocking effect. Here are some pics for a couple months ago when I got my g29.
I really like it and I think I could hide all the guts underneath the chair when its all said and done.
Honestly I have a Poang chair from ikea and I was thinking about using windshield wiper motors like this fella did. I think it would be a great entry level start then Ill maybe move on to actuators and big boy stuff.
Man thats cool. I want to build my own wheel too. I think once I determine which motor to use Ill be golden just hard to decide. Im hoping to build a motion rig also in the future.
I dont know how VA would work as the left and right monitor but I have a single curved VA as my primary and two IPS as my left and right and outside of color matching its not too shabby. I like it. I'm soon going to be replacing the IPS monitors so I have three identical screens. I have tested the viewing angles and I dont believe Ill have any issues.
It's pretty fun finding creative ways to have a car in your house without having a car in your house :-).
Not that I have seen so far. I have found some cars that physics dont work on so you have to redownload the car through the RSF plug in.
It's remarkable. I love it.
This looks really cool. It has to be pretty slick for SCS when they land these gigs for the game.