Why do you think he's wearing his others kid like body armour
Monikers would be a good addition by the sound of it
Cockroach poker comes to mind as well.
Another quick game for lots of people that can be played with just a deck of cards is In vino morte
Others of the top of my head:
- Anomia
- love letter (4 players)
- spot it
- roll for it
- dungeon drop
The article does have some neat details in it.
The special "first" thing here is that he was discharged from hostipal while he still had the articifial heart.
The 4 hour battery life feels like it would be a drag but it's a testament to the amount of work our hearts do.
Very impressive regardless!
Oh but your telling me if I put Na and Cl together in just the right way it's fine to lick it.
Here is a photo of a literal Goth moth I found in my garden. The photo doesn't quite do it justice, it was much blacker in person
I suppose crash team racing would be considered retro now.
I spent countless hours finding all the secret paths and shortcuts
My last job had us maintaining a system that used COBOL and JCL. That part was very fine. The COBOL was easy to read and understand.
The most annoying thing was the coin flip in the 70s that led them to choose a Network Database over a relational one.
Its essentially a giant linked list and there are a thousand reasons no one uses them today
This is very cool news. Would be nice if it had some details on the implementation though
Time to read the paper I guess
Spyro (series) Playstation 1998-2000
And less engagement with something like