Not disputing your main point, but they fired CEO John Riccitiello over this.
He's the idiot who tried to pressure the devs of Cyberpunk 2077 into letting him appear in the game as himself.
Bold of the media to assume Space X is gonna get anywhere near Mars any time soon.
That counterpart, according to Ortis, briefed him about a "storefront" that was being created to attract criminal targets to an online encryption service. A storefront, said Ortis, is a fake business or entity, either online or bricks-and-mortar, set up by police or intelligence agencies.
The plan was to have criminals use the storefront — an online end-to-end encryption service called Tutanota — to allow authorities to collect intelligence about them.
Wait, WHAT?
We hate cars so much, we've come full circle to parroting fossil fuel industry propaganda against EVs, I see.
I've been reading "Trump is gonna be done any day now" articles since he started gaining steam in the 2016 GOP primaries. Fucker's still free and currently leading the incumbent president in presidential polls.
The state of public transport in Montreal makes me so angry. This city used to be an examplar of public transit.
Kind of a disingenuous title. Ubisoft is a publisher, yes, but this is specifically about it's development studio in Montreal. Furthermore, these cuts are in IT, admin, and VFX, and not (so far) in development itself, and certainly not in Assassin's Creed dev teams, which is clearly their cash cow.
"Battle not with penises lest you become a penis."
Linux users truly are the vegans of the tech world.