When a car is following another there is a safe speed for the distance between the cars. If the person in back can't maintain the proper distance, it is the person in fronts responsibility to maintain the proper speed.
The trick I learned that helped most was to mix everything together just enough to combine, you want to get as little gluten as possible.
Oh, that could be fun.
Yeah they define female as member of species with largest sex cell but also state the sex person is at conception is their sex, therefore we are all sexless.
Pretty sure getting banned from a community is feedback. I have found that the people who scream "free speach" don't want feed back, they want to hate and they want to hurt others.
My ex would try to maintain an exact speed by slightly ecxelerating then let off the gas over and over, just tap tap tap on the gas. 100 miles of tiny lurches.
I had something like this once, in that case it was front io connected to wrong pins on motherboard.
And every one of them is hot.
I am honestly online almost every waking hour in one form or another, I don't consider it chronic because it does not negatively effect my life.
I can honestly see them kicking Vance out putting puppy killer in as VP and declaring that the election should be postponed for 6months so she can have the same chance Harris had.
That's his shirt. You can tell by the antenna.
I told my now wife everything as it came up, I never hid anything from her. Also I had already cut ties to almost all of my family.
When people tell me " your parents raised you right" I respond with " no the family dogs did most of the raising, my parents served as a bad example"