It's not easy to import UK releases, but I'm grateful and buy as much as I can. Eureka and 88 Films have done an amazing job the past three years.
It's action comedy manga about two girl bounty hunters who are obsessed with guns and cars set in Chicago. It's written by a gun and car otaku, and famed character designer, Kenichi Sonoda. So you get overly detailed explanations about certain weapons before the story kicks in with fun car chases and gunfights.
I think my first manga I bought for myself was either Oh My Goddess or Gunsmith Cats. Maybe a random issue of Akira.
Not really, but if you need a mod I can try to help out for a bit.
Advertising on c/newcommunities gives a nice boost for visibility.
I'm glad you made this because I was thinking about making it myself. I wish I could get the mods from reddit to the other communities I've made.
I have Run and Kill on dvd. That's an intense movie and Simon Lam is fantastically crazy in it. There's a Batman Animated Series episode with the same concept. A regular guy having a run-in with the Joker.
Magic Cop is fun. I wish they made sequels for it. Did you pick up the Mr Vampire sequels boxset?
I have to support Stephen Chow releases and hope to get God of Cookery and King of Comedy released in the west. God of Cookery is a personal all time top ten favorite movie.
I've been wanting to see this for years, but I never got around to it. One of the strange things about this movie is, if I remember right, Anthony Wong won a legit best actor award in Hong Kong.
I've only seen a few CatIII movies. I liked most of them from the sexy stuff to the hard edge horror.
Cops vs Thugs. It's my second time watching it and it's still great. Top tier police/yakuza film and top tier Kinji Fukasaku film.
The Battle with Honor and Humanity series should have been in the Criterion Collection. They practically released the dvd set ages ago.
Iron-Fisted Monk is a classic Sammo movie.
Just another fan.
Fist of the Northstar only at the moment. Currently on Vol 6. The main arc is ending soon. It's my second time reading the series.
I forgot I'm reading Doraemon. I bought 10 volumes of bilingual manga and I'm slowly reading them through. It's not a manga written for binging through. They're all self-contained stories.