Oh would ya look at that “most smartest”
That’s what we call, children, a BAT-tery OUT OF HELL!
Frances the affluent mute
I hate bots. We really don’t need an auto tldr bot here. Why support people not reading? Why automatically cater to people that aren’t interested in the content? This isn’t Reddit, not every post needs to have bots giving us borderline useless information.
I want to see a stack of cans up to the roof then watch them collapse like that old crisis 10000 barrels mod. You can do it!
So my lack of seeking higher productivity saves me again? three pointer
As a huge boosh fan all I can say is how the fuck did I never come across this before? Wish Noel and Julian would collaborate again!
Probably that Microsoft Windows in its current form makes you want to crawl into a void.
I’ve never lost interest in a game faster than I did with splat 3. I’m talking multiplayer. Loved splat 2 quite a bit but 3 was just a rehash fest of unlocking the same clothes and guns for the first 30+ hours…
Honestly yeah if I hadn’t played so much if 2 I bet going into 3 would be a great time for anyone new to the series. Great fun and the single player campaign was a blast.