There are very few. Factorio is amazing and no-one should play it if they value your life. Train Simulator "Classic" will also destroy your wallet, and it isn't really that good. Horribly buggy, unoptimised, never patched or fixed.
I tend to go the other way. games I know people like, but I dislike. Far Cry 3 was the worst in the series, and I never got on with Red Dead Redemption 2, despite having 120 hours in it.
A series of fortunate events. 3 year course at university doing Product design. then about a year in and out of retail jobs. then i saw in a news paper a listing for a job which required a designer. At the time the store i was working at was very happy with my work, but the boss was an amazing person. They drove me to the first interview, as it was very close to their house.
3 Interviews later they called me saying I got the job, and it has been that way ever since. I feel lucky that my current career is a similar path to where i wanted to go. It was either an IT role or a design role, and my teachers at my school heavily encouraged me to take the design route.