I enjoyed that game back in alpha 16 i think? But after that they really ruined the loot system
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Interesting. I haven’t played in years. What changed?
From alpha 16 to 17 they changed how the loot works making it less plentiful but high quality when you find it. But i liked scavenging every piece of lead for projects so it wasnt for me
In 21 you now get to loot and read more books than a librarian on crack. It's not good at all.
That game is the shit.
Was a great game back in the day, but it is really showing its age, unfortunately there's nothing else quite like it. I have been playing a shit load of Project Zomboid, the hordes in that game are truly magnificent.
At some point The Fun Pimps discovered how to repeatedly milk Twitch to boost game sales and the focus of the game shifted from fun to pogs per second.
Fortunately, modders like Subquake and Khaine still overhaul the entire game into something good for the rest of us.
This game just doesn’t die. Amazing
True zombie