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2:00. Unfortunately didn’t know the Bruce Springsteen song.
It's a great song. Worth the listen.
It's incorrectly considered by people as a patriotic song - once you read the rest of the lyrics and not just the chorus, you understand the bigger picture Springsteen's trying to convey. Similar story with Creedence Clearwater Revival's song Fortunate Son.
2:01, so confused as i saw 1A mentioned in yesterdays thread, then still got it wrong, and it spiralled quickly out of control
Yeah I accidentally did today's Mini yesterday. My bad. I've corrected my comment in yesterday's post.
57s, but put bin for 1a
1:03 -- I made the same mistake. I think that one might have been an intentional fake-out :)
Yeah I put BIN in 1A as well and that made me lose time.
7:02 for the main crossword. My all time best 🥳