Family was in town and we taught them Cat in the Box and Terraforming Mars. Both were a big hit with an edge to Cat because of the decreased complexity. Haven't played much of TM at 4, usually at 2, and the strategy changes quite a bit!
Board Games
Let's Play a Game! A place to discuss all things board game, regardless of genre. Everything from Scrabble and Catan to Ark Nova, 1830 and beyond is fair game! That means we have blackjack. Bring your own hookers, sorry.
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- Discussion should be at least somewhat related to board games and all that entails.
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Other comms that might be of interest:
Big fan of Terraforming Mars. Once you've got an experienced group, I'd try switching over to drafting cards instead of the random draw. It slows the game down a little, but it is an improvement.
Yup, when my wife and I play we draft cards but to speed things up with the new people we wanted to keep the options down.
And we played a little Cascadia which went over well.
Citadels has been really fun
Brass: Birmingham was the latest addition.
Now to find the actual time to play it 😐
Brass: Birmingham is great. I've been dying to try out the original Brass for comparison's sake, but never get around to it.
we had a quick family camping trip. so some small games in the downtime.
Survive!: Escape from Atlantis, is always a blast. I actually won, since the two older kids were so intent on killing each other's people rather than hunting down dad's.
Magical Athlete - my copy is worn and well loved, but it's never leaving. We had a race with the druid (moves whenever someone uses a special ability) and the Ranger (move 4 when rolls a 1 or almost always at least a 4). The entire race the ranger never used his ability.
Magical Athlete is always a good time. I've only played it once, but it's fun.
For me, it’s been Imperium: Classics and Tin Helm! I play both solo, but I:C has been played more frequently and with a friend on a couple occasions.