AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
Please include the name of the AI or tool used to generate your image at beginning of your post to promote searchability. Example: "[Midjourney] Picture of a lake."
It's not required, but we encourage you to include the prompt used to generate the image in the description of your post.
To avoid spam, please try to limit yourself to five posts a day. Feel free to add as many images to your posts as you'd like.
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Check out [email protected] for more AI Images.
Check out [email protected] for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
One of my favorite Love Death Robots vignettes.
Great stuff but not enough muscles and mankinis to be Frank Frazetta
Oh, none of the artists I plug in the names of actually make it look like their art style. I plug in Frank Frazetta knowing it will be like an output like what I got here.
I find this hilarious
Amazing how it just ignored the "sitting on top of" part.
That’s what has become the most interesting thing to me - seeing which instructions the AI randomly decides to blow off.
Pretty good one, this could easily be a battletech oficial art
Yeah, I really liked it. The cane was entirely the AI's addition and I think it gives the image a little extra something.
It looks more like a Clan Wolf "Linebacker" omnimech from Battletech. It even fits the setting. Maybe a Freebirth Clanner mechwarrior decided to desert and settle down on a secluded Periphery farming planet with her Inner Sphere husbando, only to have her former Clan Star Captain hunt her down and kill her family...
That’s what I was going for. I had to ask it for something other than “Battletech” because it kept giving me very humanoid mechas rather than the squat boxy mechs I wanted.
The other day a coyote came for my chickens. So today we need to fill a blast crater and get some exploded coyote bits off of the barns roof. Typical day in the farm.
Reminds me of the game Generation Zero. Good stuff.
Can it pull a plow?
That woman strikingly resembles Tina Fey. This could be a poster for her bumbling character's learning of farming with the help of a 50 ton battletech who's equally clueless.