So much more usable for me now, thank you!
Awesome to see the pace of development
Would be great to see a reversed compact view
wefwef is now Voyager! Subscribe to !
So much more usable for me now, thank you!
Awesome to see the pace of development
Would be great to see a reversed compact view
Reddit: We can’t create a usable app in years, even after buying another app that worked.
This Random Dude: Let me rebuild the most popular Reddit app for another service in, like, a week.
(I know this is hyperbole, but I, too, am impressed by all the updates. I think I started using this at 0.5.0 or something and in 24 hours it’s up to 0.8.0 with several QoL improvements.)
Seriously this is making lemmy a breeze for me. Doing gods work this guy
Or maybe instead of a reverse compact view, take the Apollo approach and allow the user to select left/right for thumbnails and the vote icon?
That's basically what I mean!
Another reminder that if you use via wefwef, rate limiting is still breaking things. :-(
Temporary alternatives:
Is that why I can't vote or other things?
Yes. Traffic is spiking to, I just had to upgrade the server..
So what should I do to not hit the rate limit? This app is awesome btw
You can self-host wefwef!
Or just bear with us, lol
How do you self host and where do i get started? I have a vps that isn't that bad 1g ram 1gig whatever lol its only for my znc instance on irc but i should self host for myself so i don't run into any issues. also if i self host how do i get updates from you guys? never to late to start!
Is there a good self hosting guide somewhere to reference?
Thanks for the update, is the save button not working at all?
Save, as in edit comment? Should be working!
No, save posts, comments to your profile.
Oh, yes the save button is coming soon.
Gotcha it get me confused seeing it here all pretty but not working, great work dev, just selfhosted the app and I cannot believe that it works well with my own hardware as well lol.
That migration tool is super cool.
Keep crushing it!
Would love to see sort by top hour/6 hours/12 hours on the app.
Thanks for all your work!
Is it true that wefwef can read your password?
Unable to fetch posts on Firefox/Android post update... just letting you know in case it's not just me.
Should be the ongoing rate limit issue with
If you try any other instance, it should be smooth :)
Right on thank you!
Love the compact view. Could we have an option to hide thumbnails also so it’s just post titles only?
It's coming :)
Nvm ignore me
Very cool! Just waiting for a way for wefwef to remember my choice on comment ordering. It's always sorted by hot and I always change it to most upvoted.