Here's another one
A place for raccoons migrating from reddit.
We are allies with the kingdoms of the opossummms, batss, and the birbs.
Plot Twist: OP was stealing the racoon for Thanksgiving by using candies as bait.
Everyone is entitled to a bit of raccoon during the holidays.
Poor guy, no red vines.
You must be from California:
And as if Florida didn't have enough reasons to be made fun of...
Dang! Still a candy corn state hanging in there.
I’m most surprised about the Ferrero Rocher in Texas.
That one was surprising to everyone when I posted around Halloween. So bougie.
With the prices of that candy at the airport: we all wish to be the raccoon in the wall grabbing it
I can’t deny that the achievement is impressive, but dude, the Skittles are right there.
Sign didn't do shit, that raccoon has no fear of prosecution. Likely has never seen inside a jail cell
Since he’s behind that camera he’ll never get caught!
That's a bad headline. He didn't break through the wall, he just opened an access panel.