This community peaked too early. It's downhill all the way now.
Stick Enthusiasts
A place for enthusiasts of sticks of all shapes and sizes. We all love a good stick! Is it a walking stick? Light Saber? Gun? Looks brown and sticky? You decide!
Feel free to post sticks to rate, sticks that look like things, memes about sticks, long winded rants about the superiority of birch sticks over oak, anything stick related! Natural sticks are preferred, but modification and ornamentation is also fine.
Hard disagree, now I'm looking for more sticks.
Yeah, I should have waited with this one...
There's always a cooler stick.
Holy fuck, the foretold one. The one all boys dream about. The legend. That stick is now a ruler upon which all other sticks will be measured.
Duuude! 10/10
This is like the lord of sticks. 11/10 would vanquish my enemies with this.
I'd still have that stick in my house proudly on display and I would show it to everyone, every single time they came over, regardless of if they wanted to or not, which they obviously would.
good stick oh yeah good stick