Honestly I personally don't think there'll be such a huge wave as everybody thinks there will be, there'll be some small wave and then hopefully gradual increase in the users for the next months when reddit inevitably drives the site to the ground after the IPO.
It will be huge for Fediverse numbers, I think that's what they mean.
Exactly. Even Digg didnt collapse in a day. There were months of increasing hostility from management, multiple small waves of refugees, and a precipitous decline in content quality before the final implosion.
Memmy devs are sprinting like the Flash. I don’t think they’ll get approved by the 1st, but I think they’re submitting to the AppStore tonight or tomorrow.
Crazy to see people that have basically rebuilt core Apollo in like 2 weeks.
Not to discredit Memmy (I haven't tried it I'm on Android) but... https://wefwef.app
Yeah, that this is crazy impressive. That said, I’ve run into some bugs that require me to reload the web app often.
But I’m on iOS 17 beta, and that might be a reason.
I doubt it. Most people that were unhappy with the changes and the fallout already left.
I actually think that from a business perspective this is amazing for Reddit. You basically get rid of all the trouble makers, who actually care about content, reduce your API costs or make a really nice margin on its use and are left with the kind of people you want to attract anyway: Braindead, doom scrolling TikTok zombies that don't care about your telemetry or ads, in fact they don't care about pretty much anything as long as you keep fueling their addiction.