Mining asbestos should be uneventful. After a year you suddenly drop dead.
Rules β’1. No Doxxing β’2. No TikTok reposts β’3. No Harassing β’4. Post Gore at your own discretion, Depends if its funny or just gore to be an edgelord.
That would be so fucking funny.
pretty sure mesothelioma takes decades to manifest
The developers are doing asbestos they can.
It would be genuinely accurate to be mining, no mobs in sight, and suddenly get debuffed and start losing hearts.
I would unironically enjoy that challenge. Make it damage you within a 5 or so block radius, but make the mined material worth the pain.
I wanna build a house out of asbestos and have my character go into severe coughing fits then loose hearts permanently
at least you wouldn't need to worry about it burning down
Fire retardant, apparently
Uranium would actually make sense. Depleted arrows, pocket nukes, nuclear powered redstone
radiation and heavy metal poisoning, fun!
Cock block (chicken)
Just play modded. Sadly, cancer costs extra.
The modpack I'm playing has lead, asbestos and uranium (multiple isotopes, too) in it it GregTech?
It's GregTech, right? Best
You're correct, specially, Nomifactory GTCEu
Uranium sounds cool
If I can eat the uranium, I'll chose that.