If i can have highspeed internet i will move out into the desert if i could
Or if your using something like mint and the auto update bricks your OS.
Super easy for the technologically illiterate to have their pornography displayed front and center for all your co workers to see which will never not be funny
Also 'iwghrfuiowqg' if its 6am in the morning and higher brain function has been fried plus your angry
Talk about fast food
They yearn for your colon
friend shaped
GoDaddy can GoFuckThemselves, wondering why my shit was broken until i found out
It is like fentanyl don't do it
I wish computers could calculate infinity
They do need to refactor their cell framework to support real-time streaming for interiors or cut down the load times to near instantaneous because modern titles do not need to have such long loading times apart from the initial load when the game boots
Literally Satisfactory