No fun league strikes again
College Football
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It really should be an uphill battle to argue any damages from a design of a nonexistent team, but us trademark and copyright is stupid.
They also threatened the XFL's Houston Roughnecks enough for them to change their logo when it rebooted this year. Although the second iteration was still an oil derrick and was actually a better design than the first.
I don't think they'd win a USPTO lawsuit here (I mean, who is going to confuse the college team with a long-defunct NFL team?) but I also am not a fan of Houston using blue since it's not one of their school colors.
The AAF had the best brands and designs out of all the spring leagues, and it seems in retrospect that they must have spent literally ALL their money on them, but of the XFL ones the Roughnecks were/are pretty strong (USFL merger pending).
Yeah, I miss the Apollos
As another Texas resident and Jags fan, Fuck the Titans.
Now I'm curious. Were you a Jags fan before TL and ETN? I was a NE FL kid when Jacksonville got the team, and this is one of the more fun groups we've had, and the first sustainable feeling one since the initial Brunell/Smith/Taylor run.
Also, while I have no love for the Texans either, the Adams family holding onto "their" Oilers with a ghoulish death grip is petty bullshit. The only reason "Bud's" team mattered is because generations of Houstonians (and pretty much only Houstonians... The Cowboys have the rest of the state locked down) actually cared. The fact that he played hardball with the city and then pissed off to Tennessee is one thing, but pretending that people in Nashville gave a shit about Warren Moon and Earl Campbell is something entirely different.
Sorry for the late response but no, I was not a Jags fan before TLaw and ETN. I didn’t pay attention to the NFL before the 2017 season. My childhood team that I didn’t really follow until recently was the Raiders so them and the Jags are my two NFL teams. I am much more invested in college football though.
I mean as a TN native fuck the Titans lmao