RIP carpal tunnel
PC Gaming
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Is that... Is that the whole thing?
Yeah lol, claw grip only.
I was about to say hope you’re not a palmer.
Op, did you make this yourself or buy it somewhere? What do you play where you want this kind of mouse? I'm interested in mice where the sensor is closer towards the finger tips and it looks like that's what this is? Would you say that makes more of a difference than the weight?
Bought from a shop called widemouse on Etsy, it's resin printed.
I play a lot of apex and other shooters where faster aiming/movement is helpful.
Because of the mouse's board, I don't think this really moves the sensor forward much, if at all, and I haven't had a chance to try out any mice that have the sensor intentionally forward, so can't comment on that vs weight, but I will say as someone who avoided going with lighter mice for a long time, less weight makes a huge difference.
Send like a ESD nightmare to me but it's certainly interesting.