light atoms
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light atoms
It probably should read "the light that atoms emitted..."
I mean, the way they worded it was fine. The sentence is meaningless when read the other way. Otherwise these "light atoms" are being emitted when what is stimulated by the laser?
Not the authors fault if some in his audience won't even finish reading a whole sentence.
Maybe you should have read the article: "By applying a precise pulse of laser light to one of the quantum dots, an electron is knocked away from the tungsten diselenide atom’s nucleus. This briefly creates a quasiparticle known as an exciton. This exciton is composed of the negatively charged electron and the corresponding positively charged hole in the opposite sheet. Because they are strongly bound, the electron quickly returns to the atom. When it does this, it releases a single photon encoded with very specific quantum information."
Yes, I am merely saying that the author's original wording is perfectly acceptable, and any confusion stemming from it is 100% the fault of the reader.
The word is “photon” ffs
The word "light" all on its own is fine as well.
undefined> The sentence is meaningless when read the other way
They stimulated the researchers using a laser, and the researchers emitted the 'light atoms'. And the conclusion of the study is that researchers are perverts.