Excuse me but I heard that piracy has made anyone that makes movies homeless, especially studio executives.
So this pie chart can’t be correct.
a community focused on union news, info, discussion, etc
Excuse me but I heard that piracy has made anyone that makes movies homeless, especially studio executives.
So this pie chart can’t be correct.
smh 99. 9% of zero dollars of revenue is still zero dollars 🙄
Does anyone know if this is accurate?
I don't see any source data from the original tweet, but David Slack is a pretty accomplished TV Writer. I would wager his data is more accurate than inaccurate, but I still recommend taking everything with a grain of salt.
Exactly where I'm leaning. I'm sure the studios are taking the majority of the profit, and I'd like to see the numbers
It's accurate but do note this is studio revenues, not profits. From this huge pie, some huge chunks will be taken away by actors, production costs, marketing, licensing etc.
Still, studio profits are significantly larger that this chart will look similarly imbalanced.
“By actors” isn’t that in the SAG sliver of a pie?
By actors, I meant lead talent, aka stars. All secondary actors and extras get paid peanuts compared to main cast.