this post was submitted on 19 Aug 2022
1 points (100.0% liked)

10_0s Basement

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I live in a prison called My Parents Basement and smuggled in this phone, this place will contain all of my hobbies/interests online and in real life. My name is Bob, Scott, Josh, or Joe whatever you want to call me. I am the stereotypical N.E.E.T, and the person who guesses my name on the first try will get some Bitcoin. (Find this on Minds @10coatsofarms) Rules

  1. Dont get political
  2. Follow Lemmy .ml TOS

founded 3 years ago

-Two large tsps of instant coffee
-Dissolve with hot water in the bottom of the cup
-Stir, add milk
-Put ice in glass, move coffee to your glass

Cheaper than Starbucks
I'm gonna try this with ground coffee and different types of milk. Overall the coffee sets the taste and intensity while the milk sets the texture of the coffee. (Make coffee in a cup then move it to a glass when milk is added to avoid breaking the glass)

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