Another clone of a ubisoft game. Nice.
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I expected higher specs. Either the engine is more optimised (lol) or held back by console limitations.
Safe bet, it's being held back by console limitations.
It’s being released natively on the new iPhone as well lol
Yea this would really explain the downgraded park our due to touchscreen controls limitations.
It's not a next gen game or anything. It's the AC Valhalla engine in a much smaller, less sprawling open world. Of course it runs fine.
The 40 GB footprint is the really surprising part to me. For comparison, AC: Odyssey was about 50 GB on PC.
Surprised it's that small, or that big? Mirage is a much smaller game than Odyssey or Valhalla. It originally was going to be DLC for Valhalla, if that gives you an idea.
Yeah that makes sense. Surprised that it was that small.
Origins was 75 GB too, which really doesn't make much sense.
Assassin's Creed has strayed so far away from the original, I'm curious to see if Ubisoft will find its way back with Mirage
Personally, I assume it's the same as always until proven otherwise.
So far I'm unimpressed by the soulless nature of Ubisoft games.
Exactly! It lacks soul
Who the fuck still play Assassin's Creed?