Nice to see that push from the line.
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Go Blue! Harbaugh did nothing wrong!
Lol, of course they have footage of Jim Harbaugh working the chains on a little league game as he is exiled today
Blake Corum for the Doak Walker Award, calling it now.
Also, the end zone camera CBS is using with the shallow depth of field looks amazing. More of that, please
That threat to run and toss over the middle is dangerous.
Roman Wilson having a pretty good game so far
And another TD for Wilson, there we go!
Unable to convert on 4th and 3 against UNLV. Not great. Gonna have to work on that before conference play begins
That's the only replay we got of the maybe-interception? They didn't have a better angle in real time or stop the game?
2nd game in a row JJ makes a throw literally on the LOS. Eventually he'll be just ahead and catch a penalty
Oh, they're switching coaches at halftime? Lol, ok, stay weird, Michigan
Ugh, can these guys shut up about SEC quarterbacks already?
Man, that was an awesome fake. That really sucks the defender lost his composure and really hurt Tuttle with the illegal hit
That was ridiculously late
10 men on the field isn't a penalty, is it? I feel like timeouts are more valuable. Just waste that play and save the timeout. I mean, yeah, someone would probably get cooked on the play but it's UNLV against Michigan, chances are they would have anyways