Oh gosh, there's not one specific thing. Really, if I decide I'm just not enjoying a story, or not enjoying it anymore...I stop reading it. That doesn't mean there is anything objectively wrong with the story. It's possible that my fixation has shifted, or that something arose that I just didn't care for in terms of how they presented a character or situation and it struck in just such a way.
This actually happens more often with novels than it does with fanfiction, as fanfiction authors tend to be fairly forthcoming and they use a lot of tags.
As an example, I remember getting a few chapters into a novel once that portrayed (not in a way that at all endorsed) a very abusive relationship and did so in such a heart-breakingly realistic way that I couldn't get past it.
The story itself was an absurd, fantastical, bizarre work of fiction that just so happened to portray certain very real dynamics in a way that felt jarring. If anything, that is to the author's credit, but I noped out not terribly far into it.