
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I'm doing Domaystic (as you know). Have several exchanges I've signed up for. They don't require too many words, so I don't feel overwhelmed. However, I do have one that is a minimum of 1k and I've already reached 5k for it. Whoops!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

I guess I did. Stupid card games.

Yeah, that's the weird thing. I haven't posted a Bandori fic in a bit, so it's been a surprise that someone has started going through them, giving kudos on a lot, and occasionally giving a few words on the ones they like most. And it isn't sticking to a pairing/character. So they just like my writing all the way around~ <3

Considering it is actually addressing the miscommunication issues of the main pairing and not leaving it as something for the end of the four season plan gives me hope in ways a lot of series don't when it comes to romance plotlines.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

Thank you for the reminder I should binge some QI again.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I'm barely keeping up with things I want to be doing! However, I have signed up for a few more exchanges though, because those have managed to get my creativity flowing where my projects are... not. I still want to be doing them, but perhaps I needed a break? I'm hoping to at least get a few chapters of my ongoing big series done so I can start updating again on its anniversary in June. That would be nice.

I've gotten some comments on much older pieces in a smaller fandom though, which were a pleasant surprise! Nice to know people are still reading some of those drabbles/double drabbles I did when I was getting back into writing fanfic.

Still obsessed with the Hellaverse. The rest of HB season 2 is coming out this year and I'm already dying.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Taking part in a pairing week too. It's the last day and I have two days (or four chapters) left to do. It would have been fine, but my ideas have grown for every part to get longer and longer as the week went on. Whoops!

I've signed up for other exchanges, for some reason. Perhaps because I got really inspired by one of them and am hoping that another will do the same? Anyway, I'm currently working on one exchange and one Big Bang submission for YGO. Then it will be time to get back on the stupid Puzzle vs Haga duel which is causing me such problems.

Oh, and prepping for Domaystic. Both of those things. This weekend is busy though, so I'll probably only be finishing up the pairing week and then doing the rest of the stuff after the weekend.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

Here's a Mulan fanfic that I thought was quite good! It's a mix of the Disney flick and the original Ballad of Mulan.

There is some violence, because of course there is it is taking the fact of someone going to war seriously. Still, it goes into what if the main character was indeed trans and then how long an actual war would take.


What's everyone reading and writing this weekend? I'm still taking things slowly, but I'm continuing to get a little written everyday. I've also been trying to read more Hazbin Hotel comics, not on Youtube, but everywhere wants an account these days and I don't have the spoons.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

That's always a nice feeling. I love the surprise of finding that something old has new interest at the same time as I've figured out about it (or started looking into it). Good luck with the writing! I hope your fandom continues to grow in stories~

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

It's sure helping out! Fandom can be such a balm during these trying times. C:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

They are both from the same creator and take place in the same world. So if you like one, you will probably like the other one. I adore HH, but I prefer the character focus in HB a lot more. Somehow I'm not surprised, considering HH is the one which got picked up by Amazon and HB is the free one on Youtube.

For the good news, while my brain was braining super hard, I ended up writing two ~2k stories for HB while I couldn't sleep. I like how they both turned out, so even if the entire process was pure pain, at least I made some great pieces from it. :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Health is... healthing. I'm barely keeping up with anything I want to do. On the other hand, I'm reading a bit more. My newest fandoms are Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss and I need more of both of those.

I do like finishing what I've started. I'd be doing that anyway, so I'll be sure to be participating! Even if it is just in spirit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I've fallen behind in my plans, but I'm cutting myself a break. A short loss of power, some medical stuff, and general fatigue galore. I'm still getting in a bit of writing everyday... I'm pleased enough with what I'm still doing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Yeah, there really is nothing like the Neverhood OST either.

I'm glad I got the whole experience in my life before I really knew anything about Western religion or the creator. I just got to enjoy the game as a child would. With some help from smarter people around me. XD


How is your fandom intake this week? What are your plans for this weekend? I'm doing the same as before, keeping up with the stories I want to be writing while navigating pesky real life.

I have accomplished one full week of Femslash Feb, so success on that front!


I used to believe everyone did, but I know better. Some people don't like it from people they don't know. Others don't like receiving it from anyone at all. What do you think about it?

I personally like writing giftfic. I don't do it all the time, because if I did I would never write the stuff I like the most (as no one else writes the stories I really want). But how happy people have been when I have? Has always made it worth it.

Receiving it is always nice too. Especially when people have made the effort to write the specific tropes/pairings/whatever I love. After all, most of them are rare. It's always appreciated.


What do you like to do with them? Some people ignore them entirely. I personally love to build a reason why the plot hole exists. Building onto the world and setting in the background to make sense of everything. What about you?


Forgetting tags for a moment: if you are already searching in your fandoms/pairings/favourite tags, what in a summary will cause you to click it over any other story?


It is November? Are we writing? Drawing? Reading?

For me, NaNo has started, but I'm also busy with a lot of other things which means I'm not doing as much writing until the latter half of the month. So this weekend will have a little writing, but unfortunately not a lot of other fandom things.

What about everyone else?


The Guinness World Record holder, from Portugal, lived to be 31 years and 165 days old.


What's up with this weekend, folks? I'm doing the usual. I have a bit of a buffer, but I want to pad it even further if I can in preparation for some upcoming busy times.

Writing is where it is at for me this weekend. Whenever I have spoons and a spare moment, that is. How about all of you?


For stories with an antagonist, what do you like to see? What antagonists, canon or fanfic, do you enjoy?

For example, I tend to like the fanon interpretations of Ganondorf more than how he is in canon. Considering how canon doesn't tend to dive into his character too much beyond "power". Whether fans write Ganondorf as an antagonist in reform or still straight up "evil", they still add in nuance about what it is like to be one of the rare male Gerudo or some awareness of the eternal cycle of the Triforce.

On the other end of the spectrum is Alex, from the original Golden Sun duology. Something about not knowing him very well stuck out to me. Despite his motivations being very simple, how he interacted with the protagonists of the game was interesting. You never faced him directly. He was an instigator for many things and probably wanted to be the most important person in the story. But he wasn't.


What is something you have researched lately for your fic(s)? Or something you learnt a long time ago for one which you still find fascinating?

Recently I've been learning a lot more about the Japanese school system. Some of which I learnt once, but had forgotten, and others which I never knew.

One fact I forgot was how you cannot be held back a grade. The social stigmatization from it is considered more damaging than the fact someone's grades might show they don't understand anything going on in class.

One I learnt which I did not know at all was how the punishment of standing out in the hallway with buckets of water was phased out in the 80s, along with other physical punishments to students. This explains why you might see it happen in older anime, but not in any newer ones.

I enjoy all of the things I learn through my desire to write. How about you?


After nearly two weeks of no internet at home, I shall have the comfort of mind to catch up on all the writing I've meant to do. There was too much research and fact checking I couldn't do without the internet. When I was away from home, I was not comfortable enough to do the writing. But this weekend! This weekend.

How about everyone else? What writing or reading plans do you have?


I do not mean SPAG issues or things you consider bad writing/storytelling. What is something which is not actually a problem that you just don't enjoy to the point where you would drop a fic you were enjoying?

I was considering this, because if a premise interested me in the first place, the biggest reasons I could think to ever drop it would be too many grammar issues or characters suddenly feeling OOC (in my opinion).

Outside of those or untagged triggers though... I considered how I might actually stop reading a story that goes by too fast and doesn't let the reader explore characters' reactions to things. Even if the characters still act like you would expect them too afterward. I like diving into characters' feelings and motivations too much.

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