
joined 2 years ago
[–] vltraviolet 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I've gotten way more sensitive to clothing textures as I get older, and I don't remember having too much texture sensitivity as a kid (except for hating itchy tags). I'm also way too aware now of my clothes when I sleep, so sleeping in any kind of pajama bottoms or socks is impossible for me. That never used to be A Thing for me until a few years ago. It doesn't really impact my life very much though.

[–] vltraviolet 2 points 7 months ago

Same, kinda. This year I've been leaning into recreating that sense of childhood creativity in my writing/art; for me, it's about bringing back the earnestness and enthusiasm that got dulled in my teen/adult years. I think we're all still the same creative kid inside, we're just embarrassed now about our ideas being "cringe" or "unoriginal". Or we're making stuff to appeal to an audience instead of ourselves.

[–] vltraviolet 3 points 7 months ago

Foo Fighters - There Is Nothing Left To Lose

[–] vltraviolet 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

This month did fly by O___O

i think the quietness comes from the small crowd. Reddit is a internet cornerstone, despite its many problems, and unfortunately it's where the people are. It's difficult to convince the average Reddit/X/Tumblr/whatever user to jump to some new platform--for lots of reasons--but mostly because the community isn't there. There's a surge of activity in the beginning, then it dies down considerably, and people go back to what they're familiar with.

idk how to solve that, though ^^; maybe advertising to introverts? the quietness/small size of the community here could be appealing to people who mostly lurk in the larger fandom Reddit communities.

[–] vltraviolet 2 points 1 year ago

I love all kinds of gift fics, even if they're not 100% to my taste. Someone took the time to write something for me, and that's awesome! I have trouble writing them myself 'cause I overthink whether the recipient will like it lol But the times I've received giftfic (not from exchanges) have been wonderful and I've loved them. (I like the fics I've received in exchanges too, I just don't really consider them giftfics since it's more like a trade? idk my brain is weird)

[–] vltraviolet 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Mitchell, Manos, and Pod People are probably a three-way tie for me. Some of my underrated favorites are Girls Town, The Incredible Melting Man, The Giant Spider Invasion, Teen-Age Crime Wave, and Kitten With a Whip.

[–] vltraviolet 1 points 1 year ago

There needs to be a summary, even if the tags provide enough of an idea of what the story's about, just give me a sentence from the fic.

No "just read it i guess", "i suck at summaries", "it's better than it sounds trust me" or any similar self-deprecation.

Proper spelling/punctuation is a must.

Generally a summary won't win me over if the tags don't grab me, but if it's competently written and sounds interesting I'll give it a shot.

[–] vltraviolet 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I finished writing a weird little isekai fic involving dream travel and alternate dimensions. It brought me out of a writing slump so I'm grateful for that. :D

[–] vltraviolet 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Presto is amazing!!! So much of their 90s-00s discography is so slept on.

[–] vltraviolet 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

Tool - 10,000 Days

Rush - Test for Echo

Metallica - Metallica

Rush - Clockwork Angels

Michael Jackson - HIStory


[bodyendtag] - Information Superhighway

Kumi Koda - BEST 2000-2020

A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms

[–] vltraviolet 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Sometimes I just get bored with a fic. Usually if it takes too long to update, and by the time the next chapter rolls around I've lost interest in the fandom and/or forgotten everything that happened in the fic. I generally don't like slow pacing either, so if I'm itching for something interesting to happen and the story kinda stalls for a while, I'll probably drop it. (Though if it's completed, I can skip ahead through the "filler" if I'm generally into the story otherwise)

Or it had an interesting premise/tags/summary but doesn't really deliver. Either the characters veer into OOC, or worldbuilding/magic/fantasy things integral to the story aren't explained so the reader understands what's going on and why. Though I guess those are more "bad writing/storytelling reasons."

Outside of that, untagged tropes/squicks. For some of them, a brief mention is fine, but generally if the story starts heading in that direction or focuses mostly on those things, I'm out.

[–] vltraviolet 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I saw BigBang on the MADE tour T__T So good! Probably biased since it was my first real concert ever. Taeyang and G-Dragon's solo shows were also very good; pretty much all the kpop shows I've been to have been amazing (BigBang, Taeyang, CL, G-Dragon, Blackpink(x2), BTS(x2)). I would love to see Dreamcatcher, EXO, or Shinee!

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