Here's the original article that every other news article you see is using:
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My question is what can be done about it?
Mozilla started a petition, sign that.
Look up your vehicle's company's privacy policy. If there is a way to opt out of some of the data collection, do it.
Not much else can be done other than protests, lobbying, etc. to make your politicians make laws regulating the data cars can collect.
Start a petition to enact a statewide data privacy law, if you're state allows for citizen-initiated ballot measures.
Laughing smugly in 23 year old car....
Mine is 24. But, I usually have my Android phone with me so I'm still being tracked Gogole and T-Mobile.
you can always degoogle ur phone through a custom ROM
not all that hard
Okay, everyone click “Accept” on that privacy policy and we can put this thing in Drive!
I wish I'd known about or considered this a few years ago. I would have kept my now 20 year old car instead of trading it in for a new model.
This world we live in sucks...
Pry my foxbody from my cold dead hands!
I just bought a 2023 Chevy Bolt. The federal tax incentive, lifetime maintenance costs, state sales tax exemption incentive, a credit toward installing a home charger, and charging costs (WA resident) made it a solid long term investment.
That said, they really tried to shove OnStar, SiriusXM, and their shitty app down my throat. I use Android Auto for everything at this point and am now wondering how much of my data is being shipped off to Chevy...
Pretty sure you can disable OnStar. Sirius should be receive only but I'm not certain.
Depending on the apps you have on your phone you may already be leaking lots of info.
I go through an app refresh every so often and remove those that I haven't touched in months. Even that only gets me so far, I'm sure.
laughs in early 2000's
It'll definitely vary widely. Plus side of Kia being a stupid penny-pincher is that in my lower trim model it has no cellular radio that I can tell. But of course I'm planning to get rid of it so I've been eyeing a Toyota (4Runner), older 3G equipped models are obsolete in terms of the data tracking here, newer ones you can fiddle with the "Data Connection Module" (DCM) by fuse, antenna (although that's not completely effective), and generally it's a clean disconnect by fuse except it'll kill the microphone. In the rent's Sonata I believe the BlueLink bits are tied to the headunit.
Looks like something to keep an eye on in the future, hopefully more people catch on and are willing to tinker. Read about some wanting to pull apart the dash and wrap the DCM in foil but haven't heard of how that goes. There's also the option of calling(?) Toyota to turn it off, but whether it can be reenabled remotely is another question.
I have a top end 2016 Kia Soul (that sounds funny typing it). It doesn't have ant cellular connection either.