What the hell is ASB News??
The only thing that I could find is that ASB might stand for Army Science Board, but the logos don't match so not sure if they are the same entity.
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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What the hell is ASB News??
The only thing that I could find is that ASB might stand for Army Science Board, but the logos don't match so not sure if they are the same entity.
People can name their accounts any random thing
Sure, but if this is Harrold who likes to play armchair general, that's one thing. If it is some kind of official account, that's another.
Wasn't this the same thing that Ukraine was saying in the lead-up to the invasion though? Maybe not the "join the Russians before they shoot a brother" part, but saying that the invasion wouldn't happen. It's been a year and a half, but I thought it was the US sounding the alarm bells in the run-up to the invasion, while everyone else was saying it wasn't going to happen.
That was probably done to calm the population. Because they did had mobilization when Russian troops were “exercising” near Ukrainian border that winter.
I took that as more disbelief - why would our Russian neighbours agree to invade and murder us when we haven’t done anything to them?
Person you're responding to is wrong. Ukraine was preparing for this since Crimea.
I'm pretty sure Russia never understood the cultural link between Russians & Ukr.
I think Ukrainians also didn't understand what they were saying. Fuck Putin.