this post was submitted on 18 Aug 2023
3 points (100.0% liked)

Adult Animation

566 readers
10 users here now

A place for news and discussion of animated shows, shorts, or movies aimed at audiences 13+.


1) No bigotry (sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia).

2) Be civil, kind, and try to stay positive. Not every show is for everyone and you’re free to give a critique; someone giving reasons why they didn’t enjoy something may help others decide if it’s for them. However, if people are discussing a show and you come along just to say, ‘This sucks, I hate it.’ that’s just being negative and unhelpful- Please don’t. Try just not venturing into posts about shows you personally despise.


3) No porn/hentai.

4) Tag nudity NSFW. Sometimes these shows contain nudity and non-pornographic nudity is allowed; but it must be tagged NSFW.

5) EVERYDAY Posts that are text (comments or questions or discussion starters) or links (articles or videos) and are related in some way to a non-anime adult animation are always welcome, regardless of if a theme day is also active.


Meme Mondays Image/Meme/Fanart posts relating to anything animated (adult, family-friendly, and anime) welcome on Mondays. (Remember rules 3-4; and if you share someone else's art, please credit and link to their social media.)

Anime Tuesdays and Thursdays Posts pertaining to adult anime welcome on Tuesdays and Thursdays. [Note: Anime means animation originating from Japan. It does not mean animation originating from other Asian countries or Western animation that uses an anime style of art; those would be considered non-anime.]

Family Fridays Posts pertaining to family-friendly animation (including family-friendly anime) welcome on Fridays.

Full disclosure- I have never moderated a community before. I started this because it’s something I would like to see. If it picks up and I can’t keep up, or whatever, I would be open to turning over the reigns to someone else.

founded 2 years ago

Lineup includes Ed, Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (all TV-Y7), and Dexter's Lab (TV-G).

top 4 comments
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[–] Myr 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Nice, I freakin miss Ed, Edd n Eddy! and all the others too but that one especially. Would anyone be interested in a post about a fan-made sequel to it? it's not exactly family friendly tho lol.

[–] RegalRedRaven 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm a little interested. Fan content (whether that's fan animations/parodies or review/breakdown/informative type videos or w/e) is within the rules, and if it's an adult-aimed tribute/parody, then it can be posted anytime (no need to adhere to fam-friday).

[–] Myr 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Good to know! Just happened to stumble upon it randomly through YouTube. I'll make a post tomorrow if that's alright!

[–] RegalRedRaven 2 points 2 years ago

Yes, thank you- I appreciate your posts.