All 3 of these are stealing the money right out of the mouths of struggling CEOs.
Discuss anarchist praxis and philosophy. Don't take yourselves too seriously.
Other anarchist comms
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"I have always been a liberal radical, an individualist and an anarchist. In the first place, I am an enemy of the Church; in the second place, I am an enemy of the State. When these great powers are in conflict I am a partisan of the State as against the Church, but on the day of the State's triumph, I shall become an enemy of the State. If I had lived during the French Revolution, I should have been an internationalist of the school of Anacharsis Cloots; during the struggle for liberty, I should have been one of the Carbonieri." - Pío Baroja, anarchist and novelist. To stand on equal ground everyone needs to adapt to the ever shifting ground in cooperation, to help each other and themselves to stand on it equally.
Same ideas, worded differently:
All 3 can see the game without supports or accommodations because the cause(s) of the inequity was addressed. The systemic barrier has been removed.
(original post:
I wanna slip one good comment in here: they do need a little fence to hide behine if a ball comes
The pitcher needs to be shooting the red one just because there's no rules.
You're confusing anarchism with anomie..
Anarchism is not the absence of rules, but rules agreed between everyone outside any form of authority.
Rules without authority: impossible to enforce. Rules agreed by everyone: impossible to exist.
Once again, you confuse authority with discipline. What is ruled by consensus don't need to be enforced by authority.
And when did this thing called consensus ever happened in the past 10000 years?
Haha ! good question, probably never happened...
That's precisely the nature of progress: to create what doesn't yet exist.
But, but Somalia!
I was leading a work group designing a new software. I tried to reach consensus, so everybody in the group would be satisfied with our decisions. But it didn't work. Everybody was arguing even on simple questions and didn't listen to arguments of others. Votings didn't help too, because the minority was rising the same questions again and again, trying to convince others to join them and then re-vote. And nobody was satisfied. We were wasting time. But when I said that now I only listen to others and make decisions on my own, everybody was ok with that. Our meetings became productive. So, I don't believe consensus is possible.
Consensus is really a function of group size.
I was in a group, there were 8 members we went back an forth for months to try come to decisions, it was not a great time and nothing was achieved.
Consensus is probably possible in groups of around 4-5