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Good visualization here. Zoom out until you can see the spinner to the south:,-112.225,6
I'm not a meteorologist (just play one on Lemmy) but I've been obsessing on watching this weather system head north. Viewing satellite images today, the storm seems to have lost its pronounced eye, morphing into nondescript cloudmass. Perhaps a sign of entering colder waters and losing energy?
How worried is everyone about this? I'm seeing 2-2.5 inches of rain for my area...really doesn't seem like a lot!
I suppose it depends on your exact location. Metro San Diego gets about 10 inches/yr., while the mountain areas get north of 30 inches/yr. Also — what's the drainage situation like at your place? Are you in a canyon? On the flats? Flood zone? It depends...
Are we ever going to get a break from the rain and humidity this year? Last year was the same. We didn’t really ever get a summer.