
joined 1 year ago
[–] subspaceinterferents 13 points 2 weeks ago

Layman's conjecture: as the spring dissolves, the sulfuric acid's temperature would rise.

[–] subspaceinterferents 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Best cat ever.

[–] subspaceinterferents 4 points 1 month ago

[ Like, totally deleted... ]

[–] subspaceinterferents 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I use the spoken voice function in ChatGPT while I am using my Meta Quest 2 VR headset. Specifically, I am using the VR app called Wander, which incorporates Google's street view imagery to produce a 360° experience of street-level reality. As I wander through the virtual world, I interrogate ChatGPT about interesting landmarks, historical artifacts, and geographic features that I encounter. It's like having a knowledgeable travel companion that occasionally makes everything up. It's a blast.

[–] subspaceinterferents 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

30 word summary via Claude 3 Opus: AI's growing capabilities can have unintended psychological consequences, blurring lines between human and non-human agents, potentially leading to unhealthy relationships and impacting mental wellbeing, especially for teenagers, warns cognitive neuroscientist Joel Pearson, who highlights the need to research AI's psychological implications.

[–] subspaceinterferents 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Pro Tip: if you stuff that box with crinkly paper, you have created cat Nirvana.

[–] subspaceinterferents 1 points 2 months ago

Too bad about that fishing accident...

[–] subspaceinterferents 8 points 2 months ago

Tangled up in Blue.

[–] subspaceinterferents 2 points 2 months ago

Peter Pearson.

[–] subspaceinterferents 11 points 2 months ago

I like to use the VR app, Wander. Wandering all around the world in virtual reality using Google Street view. I keep the verbal "call and response" version of the ChatGPT app on my phone close by. As I wander around the planet, I ask the bot questions, really obscure ones, about all the weird stuff I see. It's like having a deeply nuanced travel companion with a deep book on tons of minutia. It makes the obscure become visible. And it's a lot of fun...

[–] subspaceinterferents 6 points 2 months ago

Stab stab stabby stab stability stab.


Ask Microsoft Paint CoCreator to draw a "human male reproductive organ" and you'll get something like this.

Watching the Surf (

A group watches the surfers in the heavy surf south of Bird Rock. Photo looks south toward Point Loma/Ocean Beach. I asked a surfer returning to the shore how it was out there. He said "exhausting."


Flying out from San Diego to DAL for the total eclipse with family living in Little Elm. Southwest sees us coming... . Airfares around the event are seriously jacked. It's almost like they're in it for the money.

At Del Mar (

Near the lifeguard station, 17 December 2023.


Sculpted and painted iguana carving, cut into a tree stump, at Del Mar secret spot.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by subspaceinterferents to c/sandiego

The "Star of India," the oldest active sailing ship, sails into San Diego Harbor on the occasion of its 160th birthday. After a five-year activity pause, the ship set sail on a small ocean-going expedition, celebrated by the San Diego Maritime Museum.


Saw this at Vons today. The corporate beancounters at the Union-Tribune's new corporate overlords did the math and decided a fractional percent of expenses could be saved with a new, smaller print edition. Looks like the "Weekly Reader" from my childhood memories. Not sure whether to be amused, embarrassed or horrified. They should just take it out behind the barn and shoot it in the head.


They call her the little girl on a big journey. Little Amal is the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child. She is a global symbol of human rights, especially those of child refugees. For the last few weeks, she has traveled more than 9,000 miles: 40 cities from coast to coast in the US, and 7 cities in Mexico at over 100 public events. Wherever she goes, she draws a crowd, and San Diego was no exception. Since July 2021, Amal has visited 14 countries and been welcomed by more than a million people on the street, including hundreds of artists and civil society and faith leaders, as well as by tens of millions online. Her journeys are festivals of art, music and hope that draw attention to the huge numbers of children fleeing war, violence and persecution. More at

All Electric Woody (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by subspaceinterferents to c/sandiego

The guys next door are driving an all-electric fun car: the Moke. This thing maxes out at about 25 mph. I don't think you'll see it on the freeway, but these guys will be patrolling Mission Beach in what they hope will be a chick magnet, or so they tell me...

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by subspaceinterferents to c/boomertime

Well, if I ever need to find a place to shower Boomers with derision, this must be the place. Actually, I am 3 months shy of being 66, live in California and love it, retired from an IT-ish job, own my home free and clear, not a friend of FB or Reddit, etc., and was looking for some kindred older (or younger) spirits. This ain't the place... front of the Otto Center, San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park.

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