I asked my friend Mason if he knew any, and he said it was a secret.
Ask Dad
From radiators to relationships, ask anything you'd like to ask "dad."
What's red and bad for your teeth?
I knew there was one I was forgetting. Kudos to you, fellow dad.
Mom. I've just heard Dad tell it 200,000 times. He loves that it rhymes with "What's brown and sticky?"
Fair enough. Gotta respect the classics. I suppose he does the follow-ups as well?
Follow ups?
What's brown and runny?
Usain Bolt
If he doesn't know this one, this is a golden opportunity to surprise him.
I tried to think of one but it was too hard.
and red
A father is sitting down to breakfast with his three daughters and the oldest one says:
"Dad, why am I named Rose?"
The father says: "Well dear, we have a tradition handed down from your mother's side where, when a girl is born we place bouquets of various flowers around the rails of the crib and the type of flower whose petals fall off into the crib first becomes the daughter's name.
The middle daughter says "That's why I'm named Lily!"
The father says: "That's right!"
The youngest daughter says: "HASSENBFLAUH!"
...and the father says: "Shut up, cinder block."
a brick joke
Ask your ma, son
What do a brick and a chicken have in common?
They both have feathers! I lied about the brick.