It's already Monday here in New Zealand. Usually I would be feeling crap at work. I wasn't drinking a lot on Sunday, but it would only take a couple of beers to make me feel very thirsty and tired. So glad I no longer experience that!
Stop Drinking
This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.
We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.
Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
It's my 8th week without alcohol today! Been very difficult at times, hoping it gets easier.
It does get easier, but some days will be harder than others.
If you need to talk about it, feel free to make a thread.
Thanks, I will do if I need proper advice / just to chat about it
Congrats on reaching 8 weeks! It will get better over time, just take it one day at a time. The urges etc should become less.
That doesn't mean you can get complacent. I'm sober 5 years, and last week I took a mini sip from my wife's cocktail and immediately the urges to drink more came back. Very scary.
That is very scary, 5 years of resolve and then back to the urges with a single sip. 5 years is an immense achievement, well done!
Two months!! Congratulations!!💜
Thanks :)
Marvellous! Well done Transcendant, IWNDWYT!
Congrats! That's really amazing.
It took me a while to reap the rewards of sobriety, but they definitely came.
Hang in there, and reach out if you need to vent.
Cheers! I'll definitely make a post here if I feel my resolve crumbling.
Surprised but glad to see a community here for this. I stopped drinking alcohol about 3 years ago and it's just the norm now.
I do find though that people who drink feel uncomfortable with those who don't and they will repeatedly offer drinks even when I explain that I consciously quit due to substance abuse. I have a theory that subconsciously these individuals know they have a problem and find it confronting when they meet someone who has addressed their problem. I suppose it's easier to try and convince someone else to drink than it is to quit themselves.
FWIW - I used Alan Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol audiobook to quit drinking.
Welcome here! It's still pretty small, so feel free to post anything. Regarding your second paragraph, totally agreed. I'm 5 years sober and the people who love alcohol seem to be offended when I say I don't drink. Just like I have a problem whereas most likely they know they have a problem. I don't care what other people think, reading about stoicism has helped in that regard as well.
Thanks again for joining here. Don't be a stranger please.
You should make this a separate thread. Its a good discussion.
Happy Monday Sober Family! No poison for us today! 💜
Well I did it. 4 weeks without drinking. I told myself I would get this far and see how I felt.
I feel great. I'm going to keep staying sober. IWNDWYT
Incredible! You must be so proud. IWNDWYT
I have today off from work as it's a holiday. Looking forward to a productive sober day.