Mozilla have been slowly but steadily turning to shit for years now. Long ago already, they became the kind of company that lays off workers in order to pay the CEO an unreasonable amount.
I think that the moment people should've seen as a turning point where Mozilla stopped giving a shit about the users was when they did all of those unpopular UI changes a while back (like removing compact mode). They used telemetry to justify these changes, while I'm sure they must've been aware that their "privacy focused browser" schtick probably attracts a lot of people who switch telemetry off. And even if they were that stupid, the over all reaction online to the changes should've been enough of a clue for them. But they still did it anyway.
UI changes might be small in the greater scheme of things but the UI is also what 90% of users base their experience on. So it just means that they do not give a flying fuck about the user base. And they're going to be slowly but surely enshitifying the browser whether anyone likes it or not.