That was a long meal. Nice that he’s calling out media on being complicit in creating current crisis. Getting reliable news is beyond reach for most people because clickbait and agenda attack you from every angle.
MealtimeVideos Cafe
Not too short, not too long. Videos to last through your meal.
- Submissions must link directly to a video between 5 minutes and 1 hour long.
- Use a duration in your title such as [9:27].
- Be mindful that some people will be watching this while eating. No 'gross' content, no NSFL, racism, bigotry, etc.
- Use a title that is descriptive of the actual video.
- Be respectful of other submitters and commenters. Personal attacks, hate speech, bigotry, etc will not be tolerated.
Ironically this video was autoplayed to me by youtube's algorithm.
I did not watch the video because I pretty much stopped watching YouTube, and also reddit, and Netflix, and most other stuff that recommends content with some algorithm. I get my news from a news source I pay for (yes I get an actual newspaper now) and from public broadcasters. Even lemmy is banned during the week and only unblocked on weekends. And you know what, I feel so much better and have so much more time for stuff I actually want to do. I would recommend everyone doing some kind of algorithm "detox" for some time and see how everything changes.
I watch youtube but I don't get my news from it.
I find this wierd. I can't imagine spending all my time following suggested content. Sure if it already gives me things I know like a new pbs spacetime or viva la dirt league then thats convenient but heck even when it does I will often go to the channel to see if I missed anything while I fell over the thing in my feed rather than clicking from the feed. Its so bizarre to me that someone would just follow feeds. Lets face it though most people in fediverse do not do that. Sorta sad really because if facebook was just posts that originated from my friends and family I would likely look at the feed but since its filled with crap. forget it.